ASH began this webinar series as the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020 to fill an information gap that existed. We’ve continued the series to provide a platform for credible partners to share their timely research and resources.
These webinars are NOT intended for anyone affiliated with the tobacco industry or an organization that accepts tobacco industry funding (tobacco industry is defined as any organization involved in the marketing of nicotine products other than FDA-approved cessation treatment).
If you or your organization would like to present on an ASH webinar, please email Megan at
To make sure you can register for our next webinar, please email
Roundtable Looking Ahead: Has the FCTC Lived up to its Full Potential?
March 20, 2025: Watch the recording of our webinar Roundtable Looking Ahead: Has the FCTC Lived up to its Full Potential? Share it from YouTube here>
Co-Hosts: Fundación Anaas, Global Alliance for Tobacco Control
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Leslie Rae Ferat (Executive Director of Global Alliance for Tobacco Control), Cynthia Callard (Executive Director of Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada), and Blanca Llorente (Research Director of Fundación Anaas in Colombia).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here>
WHO FCTC: How We Got Here and Where We’re Going
February 13, 2025: Watch the recording of our webinar WHO FCTC: How We Got Here and Where We’re Going. Share it from YouTube here>
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Dr. Judith Mackay (Director of the Asian Consultancy on Tobacco Control and Senior Policy Advisor to World Health Organization), Paula Johns (co-founder and director of the ACT Tobacco Control Alliance, a Brazilian coalition of over a thousand members), and Akinbode Oluwafemi (Executive Director of Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa, CAPPA).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here>
Access to Tobacco Cessation Treatment is a Human Right and Essential for the Endgame
January 30, 2025: Watch the recording of our webinar on Access to Tobacco Cessation Treatment is a Human Right and Essential for the Endgame.
Co-Hosts: Endeavor Health and the University of Wisconsin’s Center for Tobacco Treatment and Intervention
Moderator: Dr. Carolyn Dresler (ASH Board Member and retired thoracic surgeon)
Speakers: Carol Southard, RN, MSN (Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist) and Dr. Hasmeena Kathuria (Director, University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research & Intervention).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here>
Factsheet: How Advocates and Policymakers can Bolster Tobacco Cessation
2025 Priorities and Opportunities
January 16, 2025: Watch the recording of our webinar: 2025 Priorities and Opportunities. Share it from YouTube here>
Moderator: Liz Furgurson (Chief Operating Officer, ASH)
Speakers: Chris Bostic (Policy Director, ASH), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), and Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here>
2024 ASH Town Hall
December 11, 2024: Watch the recording of our 2024 ASH Town Hall Meeting.
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Chris Bostic (Policy Director, ASH), Carol Maytum (Project Director, Advancing Momentum for a Tobacco-Free California, ASH), Jayme Zupo (Project Coordinator, Advancing Momentum for a Tobacco-Free California, ASH), Megan Manning (Associate Director of Communications, ASH), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), Liz Furgurson (Chief Operating Officer, ASH).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here>
Tobacco Control Advocacy at CEDAW: Past, Present, and Future
November 14, 2024: Watch the recording of our webinar: Tobacco Control Advocacy at CEDAW: Past, Present, and Future. Watch Les Hagen’s presentation here> Share the webinar from YouTube here>
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Les Hagen (Executive Director, ASH Canada), Emmanuelle Beguinot (Director, Comité National Contre le Tabagisme), Nikitia Poole (Research Advisor, Health Funds for Smoke-Free Netherlands), and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, Action on Smoking and Health).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here>
Tobacco Endgame Landscape: Global to Local
October 23, 2024: Watch the recording of our webinar: Tobacco Endgame Landscape: Global to Local. Share it from YouTube here>
Moderator: Megan Manning (Associate Director of Communications, ASH)
Speakers: Chris Bostic (Policy Director at ASH US), Katharine Silbaugh (Law Professor at Boston University), Hazel Cheeseman (Chief Executive of ASH UK).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here>
Human Rights Council Virtual Side Event: Tobacco and Human Rights
June 18, 2024: Watch the recording of our webinar: Human Rights Council Virtual Side Event: Tobacco and Human Rights.
Co-hosts: United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, Mision Permanente De Panama Ante Las Naciones Unidas Y Ostros Organismos Internacionales Ginebra Suiza, Ecuadorian Ministry of Public Health, OxySuisse, Swiss Association for Tobacco Control, Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control and the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control.
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Gabriel Ordoñez Guzmán (Director of Prevention & Control Strategies for NCDs, Mental Health, and Drug Socioeconomics, Ecuadorian Ministry of Public Health), H.E. Ms. Carmen Avila (Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Panama to the UN Geneva), Lynn Gentile (Human Rights Officer, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here>
World No Tobacco Day: Protecting Children from Big Tobacco Using the Convention on the Rights of the Child
May 23, 2024: Watch the recording of our webinar: World No Tobacco Day: Protecting Children from Big Tobacco Using the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Share it from YouTube here>
Co-Hosts: Unfairtobacco and the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), Sonja von Eichborn (Director, Unfairtobacco), and Gianella Severini (Legal Coordinator , Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids)
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here.
Exposing Big Tobacco’s Influence: Tools for Public Health Advocates
May 2, 2024: Watch the recording of our webinar: Exposing Big Tobacco’s Influence: Tools for Public Health Advocates. Share it from YouTube here>
Co-Hosts: Americans for Non-Smokers’ Rights and Parents Against Vaping E-Cigarettes
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Nichelle Gray (Manager of Engagement and Special Programs, ASH), Joud Mohammed A Almozaiyn (Public Health Policy Intern, ASH), Meredith Berkman (Co-founder, Parents Against Vaping e-Cigarettes), and Traci Kennedy (Midwest States Strategist, Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here.
Increasing Cooperation between the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the Treaty to End Plastic Pollution
April 16, 2024: Watch the recording of our webinar: Increasing Cooperation between the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the Treaty to End Plastic Pollution, using the Globe Icon at the bottom of the video to select the English, Spanish, or French Translation.
Co-Hosts: Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), the WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub for Articles 17 and 18, Génération Sans Tabac, the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control (GGTC), and the Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (STPA)
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Dr. Adriana Blanco (Head of the Secretariat, WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control), Dr. Thomas Novotny (Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, San Diego State University, School of Public Health; Cigarette Butts Pollution Project), and Dr. Rob Ralston (Lecturer in Public Policy, University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Science).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here.
Tobacco and Racism Around the World | International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
March 21, 2024: Watch the recording of our webinar: Tobacco and Racism Around the World | International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Host: African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Shane Kawenata Bradbrook (Director, Te Reo Mārama), Carol McGruder (Co-Chair, African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council), and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here.
COP10 Outcomes and Next Steps
March 14, 2024: Watch the recording of our webinar: COP10 Outcomes and Next Steps. Share it from YouTube here.
Moderator: Dr. Carolyn Dresler (ASH Board Trustee)
Speakers: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), Chris Bostic (Policy Director, ASH), and Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here.
Aligning the WHO FCTC and the UN Treaty to End Plastic Pollution
January 25, 2024: Watch the recording of our webinar: Aligning the WHO FCTC and the UN Treaty to End Plastic Pollution here, using the Globe Icon at the bottom of the video to select the English, Spanish, or Portuguese Translation. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Hosts: Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control (GGTC), the Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (STPA), and the WHO FCTC Article 17/18 Knowledge Hub
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Dr. Adriana Blanco Marquizo (Head of the Secretariat of the WHO FCTC), Dr. Thomas Novotny (Professor Emeritus, San Diego State University School of Public Health), Kritika Khanijo (Technical Officer, Legal, on Public Health Law and Policies, World Health Organization), Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva (Executive Secretary of CONICQ, National Commission for the Implementation of the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control), Adalberto Felicio Maluf Filho (National Secretary for Urban Environment and Environmental Quality, Brazil), Carroll Muffett (President and CEO, Center for International Environmental Law), and Laura Salgado (Head of Campaign and Partnership, Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control).
Combined PowerPoint Slides are available here.
2024 Priorities and Opportunities
January 11, 2024: Watch the recording of our webinar: 2024 Priorities and Opportunities here. Share it from YouTube here.
Moderator: Chris Bostic (Policy Director, ASH)
Speakers: Carol Maytum (Project Director, Advancing Momentum for a Tobacco-Free California), Liz Furgurson (Chief Operating Officer), Nichelle Gray (Manager of Engagement and Special Programs at Action on Smoking and Health), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), Megan Manning (Associate Director of Communications, ASH), Jayme Zupo (Project Coordinator, Advancing Momentum for a Tobacco-Free California), and Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH).
Combined PowerPoint Slides are available here.
ASH 2023 Town Hall
November 2, 2023: Watch the recording of our webinar: ASH 2023 Town Hall. Share it from YouTube here.
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Nichelle Gray (Manager of Engagement and Special Programs at Action on Smoking and Health), Chris Bostic (Policy Director, ASH), Carol Maytum (Project Director, Advancing Momentum for a Tobacco-Free California), Jayme Zupo (Project Coordinator, Advancing Momentum for a Tobacco-Free California), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), Liz Furgurson (Chief Operating Officer), Megan Manning (Associate Director of Communications, ASH).
Combined PowerPoint Slides are available here.
Why the WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations (COP) Matter
October 25, 2023: Watch the recording of our webinar: Why the WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations (COP) Matter.
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), Chris Bostic (Policy Director, ASH), Nichelle Gray (Manager of Engagement and Special Programs at Action on Smoking and Health), Megan Manning (Associate Director of Communications, ASH).
Combined PowerPoint Slides are available here.
2023 U.S. Tobacco Industry Interference Report Launch
October 5, 2023: Watch the recording of our webinar: 2023 U.S. Tobacco Industry Interference Report Launch. Share it from YouTube here.
Moderator: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH)
Speakers: Nichelle Gray (Manager of Engagement and Special Programs at Action on Smoking and Health), Juliana Broad (Investigative Reporter at The Center for Media and Democracy), Julie Bisbee (Executive Director of the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust), Chase Harvick (Campaign Manager for Tobacco Stops With Me and the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline) Tyler Klaassen (Senior Marketing Strategist at VI Marketing and Branding), and Padmini Kucherlapaty, MS, MPH (Research Associate at the Schroeder Institute at Truth Initiative).
Combined PowerPoint Slides are available here.
Regulating Tobacco Products: An International, Federal & State Level Perspective
September 14, 2023: Watch the recording of our webinar: Regulating Tobacco Products: An International, Federal & State Level Perspective. Share it from YouTube here.
Moderator: Liz Furgurson (Chief Operating Officer, ASH)
Speakers: Brian King (Director of the Center for Tobacco Products at the Food and Drug Administration) and Mark Meaney (Director of the Commercial Tobacco Control Program at the Public Health Law Center).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here.
Using Data to Amplify Tobacco Control Advocacy
July 27, 2023: Watch the recording of our webinar: Using Data to Amplify Tobacco Control Advocacy. Share it from YouTube here.
Moderator: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH)
Speakers: Geoff T. Fong (Professor of Psychology and Public Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo, Senior Investigator at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, and Principal Investigator of the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project), Soon-Young Yoon (Founder and Co-Director of Cities for CEDAW History and Futures Project and UN representative for the International Alliance of Women), and Zara Petkovic (Project Coordinator, Center for Public Health Systems Science, Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here.
Special Report: Success and Immediate Action Needed on Tobacco, Social Inequity, and Human Rights
July 20, 2023: Watch the recording of our webinar: Special Report: Success and Immediate Action Needed on Tobacco, Social Inequity, and Human Rights. Share it from YouTube here.
Moderator: Liz Furgurson (Chief Operating Officer, ASH)
Speakers: Chris Bostic (Policy Director, ASH), Nichelle Gray (Manager of Engagement and Special Programs, ASH), and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here.
Combatting Tobacco Industry Lobbyists in Public Health
June 15, 2023: Watch the recording of our webinar: Combatting Tobacco Industry Lobbyists in Public Health. Share it from YouTube here.
Moderator: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH)
Speakers: Doug Matheny (Programs Manager for State and Local Policy, Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center), Annie Tegen (Vice President, State Advocacy, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids), Meredith Berkman (Co-founder, Parents Against Vaping e-cigarettes, PAVe), and Nichelle Gray (Manager of Engagement and Special Programs, Action on Smoking and Health).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here.
Tobacco’s Impact on Food Security | World No Tobacco Day 2023
May 25, 2023: Watch the recording of our webinar: Tobacco’s Impact on Food Security | WNTD 2023. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Host: The Global Alliance for Tobacco Control
Moderator: Nicole Nguenha (Policy and Advocacy Officer, the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control)
Speakers: Dr. Raphael Lencucha (Associate Professor, McGill University), Dr. Jin Kim-Mozeleski (Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine), and Carrie Dahlquist (Tobacco Control Program Manager, DC Department of Health).
Combined PowerPoint slides are available here.
Food Security, Tobacco Farming, and Diversification of Rural Livelihoods
May 18, 2023: Watch the recording of our webinar: Food Security, Tobacco Farming, and Diversification of Rural Livelihoods (using the globe icon to select your preferred translation). Watch the original language presentation here.
Co-Host: The WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub for Articles 17 and 18 and the WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub for Article 5.3
Moderator: Chris Bostic – Policy Director for ASH
Speakers: Farmers from Brazil, Colombia, Kenya and Thailand; Alejandro Polo (Agronomist Engineer, FAO Colombia); and Breno Gaspar (Researcher, WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub for Articles 17&18)
Combined PowerPoint Slides are available here.
Human Rights and the Environmental Impacts of the Tobacco Production Chain
May 4, 2023: Watch the recording of our webinar: Human Rights and the Environmental Impacts of the Tobacco Production Chain (using the globe icon to select your preferred translation). Watch the original language presentations here.
Co-Host: The WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub for Articles 17 and 18
Moderator: Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva – Consultant for the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) on Tobacco Control, Former Head of the Secretariat of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Speakers: Carolyn Dresler (ASH Board Trustee), Maria Juliana Moura Corrêa (Director of the Department of Environmental and Worker’s Health Surveillance, Brazilian Ministry of Health), and Brenda Chitindi (Founder/ Executive Director, Tobacco Free Association of Zambia).
Combined PowerPoint Slides are available here.
Who Needs to Quit Tobacco? Part 3: Tobacco Industry
April 28, 2023 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Who Need to Quit Tobacco? Part 3: Tobacco Industry
Co-Host: UCSF upEND Tobacco
Speakers: Ruth Malone (UCSF), Patricia McDaniel (UCSF), Elizabeth Smith (UCSF), Chris Bostic (ASH), Carol Maytum (ASH CA)
Combined PowerPoint Slides available here.
Optimizing Instagram Engagement using Stories and Reels
April 20, 2023 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Optimizing Instagram Engagement using Stories and Reels
Speakers: Megan Manning (ASH)
Powerpoint Slides available here.
Who Needs to Quit Tobacco? Part 2: The Planet
March 23, 2023 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Who Need to Quit Tobacco? Part 2: The Planet
Co-Host: UCSF upEND Tobacco
Speakers: Ruth Malone (UCSF), Patricia McDaniel (UCSF), Elizabeth Smith (UCSF), Chris Bostic (ASH), Carol Maytum (ASH CA)
Combined PowerPoint Slides available here.
Could International Human Rights Obligations Motivate Countries to Implement Tobacco Cessation Support?
March 16, 2023 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Could International Human Rights Obligations Motivate Countries to Implement Tobacco Cessation Support? Share it from YouTube Here.
Speakers: Martin Raw (Director, International Centre for Tobacco Cessation; Visiting Research Professor, New York University, School of Global Public Health), Benjamin Mason Meier (Professor of Global Health Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy/Chris Bostic (Action on Smoking and Health).
Combined PowerPoint Slides available here. Peer-reviewed article available here.
Who Needs to Quit Tobacco? Part 1: Retailers
February 27, 2023 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Who Need to Quit Tobacco? Part 1: Retailers
Co-Host: UCSF upEND Tobacco
Speakers: Ruth Malone (UCSF), Patricia McDaniel (UCSF), Elizabeth Smith (UCSF), Chris Bostic (ASH), Carol Maytum (ASH CA)
Combined PowerPoint Slides available here.
2023 Trends and Opportunities to Watch
January 19, 2023 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: 2023 Trends and Opportunities to Watch. Share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Chris Bostic (Policy Director, Action on Smoking and Health), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, Action on Smoking and Health), and Laurent Huber (Executive Director, Action on Smoking and Health).
Combined PowerPoint slides available here>
Working Across Borders: A Collaboration Between Polish and US Cessation Experts
November 10, 2022 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Working Across Borders: A Collaboration Between Polish and US Cessation Experts. Share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Magdalena Cedzynska (psychologist, psychotherapist, senior researcher, director of smoking cessation service at National Research Institute of Oncology in Poland), Jennifer Peregoy (Tobacco Treatment Specialist at University of Virginia’s Comprehensive Cancer Center), and Dr. Melissa Little (Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences and a member in cancer control and population health research in the Cancer Center at the University of Virginia). Combined slides are available here.
Tobacco Endgame in the Americas Region
October 6, 2022 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Tobacco Endgame in the Americas Region (Original Language | English Version | Spanish Version)
Co-Hosts: PAHO/WHO and Corporate Accountability
Speakers: Chris Bostic (Policy Director, Action on Smoking and Health), Janet Hoek (Professor, University of Otago, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand and co-director, ASPIRE2025), Hanna Ollila (Senior Specialist, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and Manager, WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub on Tobacco Surveillance), Dr. Eduardo Bianco (Director, International Policy Education in Addictions at the Frank Foundation for International Health USA), Reina Roa (Health Ministry, Government of Panama), and Adriana Bacelar Gomes (PAHO/WHO). Combined powerpoint slides are here.
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, a Human Rights and SDG accelerator
June 14, 2022 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, a Human Rights an SDG accelerator.
Co-Hosts: Government of Ecuador, Government of Panama, Alliance Contre Le Tabac, Alcohol and Drug Information Centre Sri Lanka, Action on Smoking and Health Canada, Austrian Council on Smoking and Health, Corporate Accountability, 2030 Children in All Policies, Jamaica Coalition for Tobacco Control, Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, Smoke Free Partnership, Swiss Association for Tobacco Control, The Union for International Cancer Control
Speakers: Sarah Daglish (Children in All Policies, CAP 2030), Marion Catelin (Alliance Contre le Tabac, ACT), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Action on Smoking and Health), Sabina Timco Lacazzi (WHO FCTC Secretariat), and Laurent Huber (Action on Smoking and Health)
How Advocates can use the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) to Further Local Tobacco Control
Co-Hosts: AATCLC, DC Tobacco-Free Coalition
Speakers: Carol McGruder (African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council), Charles Debnam (DC Tobacco-Free Coalition, Community Wellness Alliance, and AATCLC), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Action on Smoking & Health), and Megan (Arendt) Manning (Action on Smoking and Health). Combined slides are available here. Read our draft joint CERD submission and sign onto it here>
Optimizing Instagram Engagement using Stories and Reels
May 19, 2022 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Optimizing Instagram Engagement using Stories and Reels.
Speakers: Saoimanu Sope and Megan Arendt (Action on Smoking and Health). Combined slides are available here.
Lessons Learned from Menthol Bans Around the World
May 19, 2022 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Lessons Learned from Menthol Bans Around the World. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Hosts: ACT Brasil, ITC Project, Smoke Free Partnership
Speakers: Speakers: Mônica Andreis (Co-founder and Executive Director, ACT Health Promotion, São Paulo Brazil), Dr. Geoffrey Fong (Professor, University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada), and Lilia Olefir (Policy and Communications Manager, Smokefree Partnership, Brussels Belgium). Combined slides are available here.
Tobacco Product Waste: Lessons from Around the World
May 11, 2022 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Tobacco Product Waste: Lessons from Around the World. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Hosts: Alliance pour une Societe Sans Tabac, Comite National Contre le Tabagisme, Cigarette Butt Pollution Project
Speakers: Danielle van Kalmthout (General Coordinator, Belgian Alliance for a Smoke Free Society), François Topart (Communication and Advocacy Officer, French National Committee Against Tobacco, CNCT), and Dr. Thomas Novotny (CEO, Cigarette Butt Pollution Project). Combine slides are available here.
Plaintiffs’ Perspectives on the Proposed FDA Rule on Menthol
May 3, 2022 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Plaintiffs’ Perspectives on the Proposed FDA Rule on Menthol. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Hosts: African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, American Medical Association, National Medical Association
Speakers: Dr. Phillip Gardiner (Co-Chair, AATCLC), Chris Leung (Attorney, Pollock Cohen LLC), Dr. Mark Mitchell (Co-Chair, Commission on Environmental Health, National Medical Association), Dr. Geoff Fong (Professor, University of Waterloo), Joelle Lester (Director, Commercial Tobacco Control Programs, Public Health Law Center), and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, Action on Smoking and Health).
Dr. Geoff Fong’s slides are available here.
The Economic Impact of Tobacco Use
March 24, 2022 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: The Economic Impact of Tobacco Use here.
Speaker: Dr. Wendy Max (Professor of Health Economics, Institute for Health and Aging, UCSF). Slides are available here.
Environmental Law as a Vehicle for Protection from Secondhand Smoke
March 10, 2022 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Environmental Law as a Vehicle for Protection from Secondhand Smoke. Share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Amos Hausner (Attorney and Tobacco Control Advocate), Raquel Fernández Megina (President,, and Dr. Georg E. Matt (Professor of Psychology in the College of Sciences, San Diego State University). Combined slides are available here.
Opportunities to Watch in 2022
February 10, 2022 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Opportunities to Watch in 2022 here. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Host: Comité National Contre le Tabagisme (CNCT)
Speakers: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), Chris Bostic (Policy Director, ASH), and Emmanuelle Béguinot (Director, Comité National Contre le Tabagisme, CNCT). Combined slides are available here.
ASH 2021 Town Hall
December 9, 2021 – Watch the recording of our ASH 2021 Town Hall here. Share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Dr. Carolyn Dresler (retired Thoracic Surgeon, ASH Volunteer), Carol McGruder (Co-Chair of the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council), Councilmember John A. Mirisch (City of Beverly Hills), Laurent Huber (ASH), Chris Bostic (ASH), Elizabeth Furgurson (ASH), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (ASH), Nichelle Gray (ASH), Carol Maytum (ASH), and Megan Arendt (ASH).
Interference of the Tobacco Industry: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
November 22, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Interference of the Tobacco Industry: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow here. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Hosts: Institut Català d’Oncologia | Adjunta a la Unitat de Control del Tabac | WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Control, European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention,, STOP Partners,
Speakers: Cristina Martínez (Deputy Director, Institut Català d’Oncologia | Adjunta a la Unitat de Control del Tabac | WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Control), Armando Peruga (Member, UCT-ICO & Former TFI Director), Stella Bialous (Professor, UCSF Center for tobacco control research and education & WHO CC), Francisco Rodríguez Lozano (President, European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, ENSP), Raquel Fernández (Director,, non-smokers NGO), Laurent Huber (Executive Director, Action on Smoking and Health), Laura Salgado (Global Campaign Coordinator, The Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control, GGTC, a Partner in STOP), and Esteve Fernández (UCT-ICO and Director WHO CC). Combined slides available here.
2021 U.S. Tobacco Industry Interference Index Launch
November 4, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: 2021 U.S. Tobacco Industry Interference Index Launch here. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Host: STOP Partners
Speakers: Laura Salgado (Global Campaign Coordinator, The Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control, GGTC), LaTrisha Vetaw (Director of Health Policy and Advocacy, NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center in North Minneapolis), and Nichelle Gray (Program Coordinator, Action on Smoking and Health). Combined slides available here.
Exposing Current Tobacco Industry Lobbying, Contributions, Meals, and Gifts
October 28, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Exposing Current Tobacco Industry Lobbying, Contributions, Meals, and Gifts here. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Host: Common Cause
Speakers include: Doug Matheny (Program Manager, State and Local Policy at TSET Health Promotion Research Center University of Oklahoma Stephenson Cancer Center), Gabrielle Ballweg (Human Rights Policy and Communications Intern at Action on Smoking and Health), and Beth Rotman (National Director of Money in Politics & Ethics at Common Cause). Combined slides available here.
The Hype Around TikTok and How to Use It as a Communication Tool
October 19, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: The Hype Around TikTok and How to Use It as a Communication Tool here. Share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Saoimanu Sope and Megan Arendt (Action on Smoking and Health). Combined slides available here.
How Tobacco Violates the Human Rights of the LGBTQ+ Community
October 14, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: How Tobacco Violates the Human Rights of the LGBTQ+ Community here. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Hosts: the National LGBT Cancer Network and the U.S. Human Rights Network
Speakers: Eliza Solowiej (Deputy Director, U.S. Human Rights Network), Gabe Glissmeyer (Project Specialist, National LGBT Cancer Network), Bryce Moore (Project Specialist, National LGBT Cancer Network), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, Action on Smoking and Health), and Christopher Rathbone (Attorney, City-Yuwa Partners in Tokyo). Combined slides available here.
The Role of All Healthcare Professionals in Cessation
September 22, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: The Role of All Healthcare Professionals in Cessation here. Share it from YouTube Here.
Co-Hosts: DC Tobacco-Free Coalition, DC Department of Health
Speakers: Jazmin Devonish (Public Health Analyst at the Tobacco Control Program for the DC Department of Health), Charles Debnam (Deputy Chief Executive Officer with the Community Wellness Alliance and the DC Tobacco-Free Coalition), Jeremy Hulburt (Account Manager at Optum), and Dr. Ricardo Fernández (Chief Medical Officer at La Clinica del Pueblo). Combined slides available here>
Using Communications to Promote Momentum Toward Tobacco Endgame
September 16, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Using Communications to Promote Momentum Toward Tobacco Endgame here. Share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Megan Arendt, Associate Director of Communications at Action on Smoking and Health; Saoimanu Sope, Project Coordinator for Advancing Momentum for a Tobacco-Free California at Action on Smoking and Health; and Shana Narula, Public Programs Manager for Tobacco Endgame at the American Heart Association.
Why Menthol Bans Protect African Americans
September 2, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Why Menthol Bans Protect African Americans here. Share it from YouTube here.
Co-Hosts: African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, Public Health Law Center, and The Center for Black Health and Equity
Speakers: Natasha Phelps (Lead Senior Attorney, Public Health Law Center), Delmonte Jefferson (Executive Director, The Center for Black Health and Equity), and Carol McGruder (Co-Chair, African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council), with Laurent Huber (Executive Director, Action on Smoking and Health) moderating. Additional resource mentioned>
When the Radical Becomes the Norm: 50 Years of Smoke-Free Sections on Airplanes & What It Means Today
August 5, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: When the Radical Becomes the Norm: 50 Yrs of Smoke-Free Sections on Airplanes & What It Means Today here. Share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Laurent Huber (Action on Smoking & Health), Dr. Leland Fairbanks (Arizonans Concerned About Smoking, ACAS, President, full statement here), Philip J. Carpenter (ACAS Executive Director, full statement here and shared history about commemoration here), Patricia Young (Flight Attendants Medical Research Institute, FAMRI), and Dr. Alfred Munzer (ASH Board Chair and former President of the American Lung Association). U.S. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois also sent a video statement to commemorate this occasion. Combined slides are available here.
Building Relationships with California Tribes and the Cultural Nuances of Tribal Communities
June 22, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Building Relationships with California Tribes and the Cultural Nuances of Tribal Communities here.
Speakers: Narinder Dhaliwal, Project Director at California’s Clean Air Project and Calvin Hedrick, Project Coordinator at Tribal Community Coordinating Center.
Post FDA Lawsuit Decision – Plaintiffs & Partners Discussion
April 30, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar: Post FDA Lawsuit Decision – Plaintiffs & Partners Discussion here. Share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Action on Smoking & Health), Dr. Valerie Yerger (African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council), Dr. Philip Gardiner (African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council), Joelle Lester (Public Health Law Center), Carol McGruder (African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council), Christopher Leung (Pollock Cohen LLP), Leonard Nelson (American Medical Association), Laurent Huber (Action on Smoking and Health).
Why Cessation is a Vital Part of Tobacco Policy
April 22, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Why Cessation is a Vital Part of Tobacco Policy here. Share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Linda Bailey (President and CEO, North American Quitline Consortium, NAQC), Dr. Robert Totanes (Technical Officer on Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization), Martin Raw (Director, International Centre for Tobacco Cessation; Visiting Professor, New York University School of Global Public Health). Combined slides are available here.
Women, Tobacco, and Human Rights
March 18, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Women, Tobacco, and Human Rights in the live spoken language, via French translation, or via English translation.
Speakers: Patricia Lambert (former President of International Network of Women Against Tobacco, INWAT), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), Dr. Mira B. Aghi (Behavioral Scientist and Communications Expert, board member of the Human Rights Tobacco Control Network, HRTCN), Soon-Young Yoon (Chair of the Board at the Women’s Environment and Development Organization and UN representative for the International Alliance of Women), and Dr. Daniel Thomas (Institut de Cardiologie France). Combined slides are available here.
Mobilizing to Overcome Tobacco Industry Interference in Lawmaking
February 25, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Mobilizing to Overcome Tobacco Industry Interference in Lawmaking here. Share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Traci Kennedy (Midwest States Strategist, Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights and the ANR Foundation), Primo Castro (Government Relations Director, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network), Tim Gibbs (Legislative and Administrative Advocacy Consultant in California), and Daniel Fitzgerald (National Senior Manager of Advocacy, American Lung Association). Combined slides available here.
Tobacco Endgame – Spain
February 11, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Tobacco Endgame – Spain here in speakers’ spoken language (both English and Spanish). Watch the full recording in Spanish. Watch the full recording in English.
Co-Hosts:, Institut Català d’Oncologia, Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica, Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Sociedad Española de Salud Pública, Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica, Porque nosotros Sí!, Federación de Asociaciones de Enfermería Comunitaria y Atención Primeria, Asociación de Residentes de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Asociación pacientes EPOC, Asociación para la investigación del cancer de pulmón en mujeres, Fundación Lovexair, European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
Speakers: Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH), Dr. Adriana Blanco Marquizo (Head of Secretariat, WHO FCTC, read her full statement in English and Spanish here), Francisco Rodríguez Lozano (President, ENSP), John Mirisch (Beverly Hills City Councilmember), Chris Bostic (Policy Director, ASH), Raquel Fernández Megina (President,, Ruth Malone (Editor-in-Chief, Tobacco Control), Daniëlle Arnold (Policy Advisor, Health Funds for a Smokefree Netherlands), Richard Daynard (Distinguished Professor of Law, Northeastern University and President, Public Health Advocacy Institute), Esteve Fernandez (Director of the Department of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention at the Catalan Institute of Oncology and Director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Control), and María Luisa Carcedo (Secretary of Health of the Federal Executive Commission of the PSOE). Combined slides are available here.
International Tools for Local Change: Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and Menthol (DC)
February 11, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on International Tools for Local Change: Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and Menthol here.
Co-Host: DC Tobacco-Free Coalition
Speakers: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH), Rolando Andrewn (President, Breathe DC), Natasha Phelps (Lead Senior Staff Attorney for Minnesota Technical Assistance, Commercial Tobacco Control Programs, PHLC), Charles Debnam (Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Community Wellness Alliance), and Josh Brown (CEO, Brown Strategy). Combined slides are available here.
International Tools for Local Change: Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and Menthol (CA)
February 3, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on International Tools for Local Change: Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and Menthol here.
Co-Host: African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATCLC)
Speakers: Carol McGruder (co-chair, AATCLC), Dr. Phillip Gardner (co-chair, AATCLC), Laurent Huber (Executive Director, ASH), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH), Andrew Twinamatsiko (Lead Senior Staff Attorney for California Technical Assistance, PHLC), Tracy Brown (Project Manager, AATCLC), Calyn Kelley (Program Director, Bay Area Community Resources), and Kirsten Vinluan (Youth advocate, Youth tobacco advocacy and policy project, YTAPP). Combined slides are available here.
Educating the Public and Lawmakers about Tobacco Industry Interference
January 28, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Educating the Public and Lawmakers about Tobacco Industry Interference here. Share the recording from YouTube here.
Speakers: Barbara Schillo, Ph.D. (Senior Vice President, Truth Initiative Schroeder Institute), Ann Boonn (Director of Research, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids), Megan Arendt (Associate Director of Communications, ASH), and Julie Bisbee (Executive Director, Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust). Slides are available here.
U.S. Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020
December 10, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on the U.S. Tobacco Industry Interference Indez 2020 here. Share the recording from YouTube here.
Speakers: Nichelle Gray (Program Coordinator, ASH), Doug Matheny (Programs Manager for State and Local Policy, TSET Health Promotion Research Center), and Kathleen Hoke (Director of the Legal Resource Center for Public Health Policy and Director of the Network for Public Health Law-Eastern Region at the University of MD Carey School of Law). Slides are available here.
Closing the Funding Gap for FCTC Implementation at the Global and National Level with co-host the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA)
November 13, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Closing the Funding Gap for FCTC Implementation at the Global and National Level here. Share the recording from YouTube here.
Read the associated journal article from all the speakers in Tobacco Induced Diseases here>
Moderator: Leslie Rae-Ferat (Acting Executive Director, Framework Convention Alliance, FCA)
Speakers: Ryan Forrest (Policy and Advocacy Manager, Framework Convention Alliance, FCA), Robinah Kaitiritimba (Executive Director, ganda National Health Consumers’ Organisation, UNHCO), Rob Tripp (Senior Advisor to the WHO FCTC Convention Secretariat), Sara Rose Taylor (Senior Research Associate, University of Ottawa), Raphaëlle Faure (International Development Freelance Consultant). Slides are available here.
COVID-19’s Impact on the FCTC, Cessation, and Tobacco Policy with co-hosts and the International Centre for Tobacco Cessation
November 12, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on COVID-19’s Impact on the FCTC, Cessation, and Tobacco Policy here. Share the recording from YouTube here.
Read the associated journal article from all the speakers in Tobacco Induced Diseases here>
Speakers: Dr. Adriana Blanco Marquizo (Head of the Secretariat for the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, FCTC), Martin Raw (Director at the International Centre for Tobacco Cessation, ICTC, and Visiting Professor at New York University, NYU, School of Global Public Health), and Raquel Fernández Megina (President of Slides are available here.
Incorporating Human Rights into the WHO FCTC /
Incorporación de los derechos humanos en el CMCT de la OMS
November 11, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Incorporating Human Rights into the WHO FCTC in English here. Mira la grabación en español aquí.
Read the associated journal article from all the speakers in Tobacco Induced Diseases here>
Speakers: Professor Steve Marks (François-Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Health and Human Rights at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health), Dr. Flavia Senkubuge (President at The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa), Pablo Analuisia (Clinical Psychologist at Central University of Ecuador and Specialist & Coordinator of Mental Health Promotion at the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador), and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney at Action on Smoking and Health, ASH). Slides are available here.
WHO FCTC Article 19: Using the Judicial System to Fight Tobacco with co-hosts Corporate Accountability International (CAI) and the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control (GGTC)
November 10, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on WHO FCTC Article 19: Using the Judicial System to Fight Tobacco here and share it from YouTube here.
Read the associated journal article from all the speakers in Tobacco Induced Diseases here>
Speakers: Daniel Dorado Torres (Senior Latin America & International Policy Organizer at Corporate Accountability International, CAI), Davi Bressler (Attorney for Brazil, Solicitor General’s Office, Attorney General’s Office), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney at Action on Smoking and Health, ASH, read her statement here), Debby Sy (Head of Global Public Policy and Strategy at the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control, GGTC), Amos Hausner (Israeli attorney and tobacco control advocate). Slides are available here.
WHO FCTC Article 2.1: The Overlooked Article’s Impact on Endgame with co-hosts Health Funds for a Smokefree Netherlands and Menzies School of Health Research in Darwin, Australia
November 9, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on WHO FCTC Article 2.1: The Overlooked Article’s Impact on Endgame here and share it from YouTube here.
Read the associated journal article from all the speakers in Tobacco Induced Diseases here>
Speakers: Mary Assunta (Senior Policy Advisor at Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, SEATCA, & Head of Global Research and Advocacy at Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control, GGTC), Dr. Marita Hefler (News Editor for BMJ Tobacco Control and a Senior Research Fellow at the Menzies School of Health Research in Darwin, Australia), Chris Bostic (Deputy Director for Policy at Action on Smoking and Health, ASH), and Guy Muller (International Public Affairs Consultant of the Dutch Cancer Society, DCS). Slides are available here.
Legal Centers and Cross-Sectional Collaboration to Drive Policy Change
October 22, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Legal Centers and Cross-Sectional Collaboration to Drive Policy Change here and share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Blair Inniss (University of Maryland, Legal Resource Center), Jocelyn Collins (American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network), and Alanna Biblow (Maryland Department of Health. Slides are availabile here.
Using Cessation and an International Treaty to Strengthen the Health of DC Residents
September 22, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Using Cessation and an International Treaty to Strengthen the Health of DC Residents here and share it from Facebook here.
Speakers: Dr. Carla Williams (Interim Director of the Howard University Cancer Center and Chair of the DC Tobacco-Free Coalition) and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney, ASH). Slides are available here.
Addressing Cessation in Priority Populations
September 10, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Addressing Cessation in Priority Populations here and share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Martin Raw (Director of the International Centre for Tobacco Cessation and Visiting Professor at New York University School of Global Public Health), Rachel Smolowitz and Michael Stavros (Sheppard Pratt Hospital), and Carolyn Dresler, MD, MPA (ASH Volunteer). Slides are available here. Additional resources and written Q&A responses are here.
Tobacco Product Waste Prevention and Mitigation
August 27, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Tobacco Product Waste Prevention and Mitigation here.
Speakers: Dr. Thomas Novotny (San Diego State University & Cigarette Butt Project), Hudson Kingston (Public Health Law Center), and Raquel Fernandez Megina of Slides are available here.
Endgame Policy: Tobacco-Free Generation
August 13, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Endgame Policy: Tobacco-Free Generation and share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Chris Bostic (Deputy Director for Policy at ASH), Professor Jon Berrick (Emeritus Professor of Science, Mathematics, Yale-NUS College), and Professor Dick Daynard (President at Public Health Advocacy Institute at Northeastern University School of Law).
Improving Cessation Treatment through a Human Rights Approach
August 5, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Live Chat on Improving Cessation Treatment through a Human Rights Approach here. Read about the approach in this British Medical Journal (BMJ) blog co-authored by ASH.
Speakers: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney at ASH) and Martin Raw (Director of the International Centre for Tobacco Cessation and Visiting Professor at New York University School of Global Public Health).
U.S. Commercial Tobacco Policy and Enforcement during COVID-19 Shutdowns
June 25, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on U.S. Commercial Tobacco Policy & Enforcement during COVID-19 Shutdowns and share it from YouTube here.
Speakers: Jessica Grosz (Public Health Law Center Lead Senior Staff Attorney), Rachel Callanan (Public Health Law Center Senior Staff Attorney), and Chris Bostic (Deputy Director for Policy at ASH) moderating. Slides available here.
Endgame for Tobacco: The World We Want
June 11, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Endgame for Tobacco: The World We Want and share it from Facebook here.
Speakers: Chris Bostic (Deputy Director for Policy at Action on Smoking and Health, read his statement here), Wanda De Kanter (Pulmonologist, Netherlands Cancer Insitute), and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney at Action on Smoking and Health, read her statement here). Slides are available here.
Combatting Tobacco Industry Interference Before, During & After the Age of COVID-19 (World No Tobacco Day)
May 28, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Combatting Tobacco Industry Interference Before, During, & After the Age of COVID-19 and share it from Facebook here.
Speakers: Mary Assunta (Head of Global Research and Advocacy at the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control and Senior Policy Advisor at SEATCA), Nichelle Gray (Program Coordinator at Action on Smoking & Health), Doug Matheny (Programs and Initiatives Manager for State and Local Policy at the Oklahoma Health Promotion Research Center), and Dr. Kerstin Schotte (Medical Officer in the No Tobacco Unit at the World Health Organization). Slides are available here.
The Impact of COVID-19 on the African American Community, co-hosted with AATCLC
Speakers: Carol McGruder (Co-Chair of AATCLC, slides here), Dr. Carla Williams (Interim President of the Howard University Cancer Center, slides here), Natasha Phelps (Lead Senior Staff Attorney at the Public Health Law Center, slides here), and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (Managing Attorney at ASH, slides here).
COVID-19 Co-Morbidity with Smoking: What We Know, What’s Needed
May 7, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on COVID-19 Co-Morbidity with Smoking: What We Know, What’s Needed
Speakers: Dr. Constantine Vardavas (editor of Tobacco Induced Diseases Journal), Dr. Flavia Senkubuge (President of The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa), and Dr. Jonathan Samet (Dean of the Colorado School of Public Health).
Read the New England Journal of Medicine article Dr. Vardavas referenced here. Read the WHO report Dr. Senkubuge referenced here. View Dr. Samet’s powerpoint presentation here.
Tobacco Industry Policy Interference during COVID-19: Why Tobacco is NOT Essential
April 30, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Tobacco Industry Policy Interference during COVID-19: Why Tobacco is Not Essential.
Speakers: Louis Laurence (Research Assistant with, part of the Tobacco Control Research Group at the University of Bath, within the Stopping Tobacco Organisations and Products, STOP, partnership), Dr. Alfred Munzer (pulmonologist, past President of the American Lung Association, current ASH Board Chair), and Tom Hird (Research Fellow University of Bath, UK; STOP: Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products.) Read the STOP Partners’ statement available here.
The Impact of COVID-19 on African Americans and Cancer Treatment
April 24, 2020 – Instagram Live – Watch the recording of our live chat on the Impact of COVID-19 on African Americans and Cancer Treatment
Speakers: Dr. Carla Williams (Interim Director of the Howard University Cancer Center and Chair of the DC Tobacco-Free Coalition) and Liz Furgurson (ASH).
Tobacco Cessation, Production & Sales in Light of COVID-19
April 16, 2020 – Watch the recording of our Tobacco Cessation, Production & Sales in Light of COVID-19 Webinar
Speakers: Linda Bailey (President of the North American Quitline Consortium), Laurent Huber (ASH), and Chris Bostic (ASH). Read Linda’s statement here. Read Chris’ statement here.
What COVID-19 Lockdowns Mean for Tobacco Control
April 9, 2020 – YouTube Live – Watch the discussion on What COVID-19 Lockdowns Mean for Tobacco Control
Speakers: Chris Bostic (ASH) and Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (ASH)
How to #QuitInQuarantine
April 3, 2020 – Instagram Live – Watch the recording here, on how to #QuitInQuarantine.
Speakers: Charles Debnam (Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Community Wellness Alliance and cessation expert) and Liz Furgurson (COO of ASH)
Coronavirus, Human Rights and Tobacco
April 2, 2020 – Watch our Coronavirus, Human Rights and Tobacco Webinar
Speakers: Dr. Carolyn Dresler, Laurent Huber (ASH), Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (ASH), and Chris Bostic (ASH). Read Dr. Dresler’s statement here.
Smokers and COVID-19
March 20, 2020 – Facebook Live – Watch Laurent Huber discuss smokers and COVID-19
* The views expressed by the panelists are their own and are not necessarily endorsed by ASH.