Advocacy Tools for the Fight for the Right to Health
When people think of tobacco, they often think of it as a public health problem, but it is a human rights problem as well.
The marketing and sale of tobacco violate the right to health and life of people all around the world.
ASH has been working to convince both the tobacco control community and the human rights community that it is time to address tobacco through a human rights based approach. The resources found in this database are designed to help advocates achieve that goal. This hub is meant as a living resource and will be frequently updated with new information.
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The magnitude of the tobacco problem is extremely obvious, and the solutions to address this problem should be simple. The health harm is clear: tobacco is responsible for more than 8 million deaths per year. The environmental impact is also…
ASH’s work is based on the principle that the actions of the tobacco industry – producing, marketing, and selling addictive products that kill when use as intended – violate human rights, for example the right to health. As such, ASH focuses…
All of ASH’s programs are based on the foundational concept that tobacco violates the right to health of all people. We take a human rights-based approach to tobacco control. Our liability program focuses on utilizing the courts and legal systems…
This week, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a Report on “Eliminating Tobacco-Related Disease and Death: Addressing Disparities.” This is the 35th Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health since 1964, a series of instrumental reports that inspired the name of our…
Time and time again, Switzerland has prioritized the interests of the deadly tobacco industry over the interests and wishes of Swiss citizens, while publicly claiming to be fully committed to the universal protection of human rights.This new report exposes how…
Media Contact: Megan Manning Press Release BelowThe tobacco industry is relentlessly targeting women worldwide, using advertisements that portray smoking as glamorous and sexy. But the truth is far darker: tobacco kills millions, and these aggressive marketing tactics violate women’s human rights.We Are…
Media Contact: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (202) 659 – 4310 Tobacco Companies Violate Children’s Human Rights New Report Released from ASH, Unfairtobacco to Highlight the Rights Being Violated and How to Act in honor of World No Tobacco Day 2024 WASHINGTON, DC…
Exciting news from Europe: the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive has been approved by a qualified majority of EU governments! This is a significant step towards protecting human rights and the environment from harm from big corporations, like the…
The tenth Conference of the Parties (COP 10) of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) adopted a series of key Decisions including Decision FCTC/COP10(20) Contribution of the WHO FCTC to the promotion and fulfillment of human rights. ASH is a…
Upcoming Calls for Action
- Stay tuned for new updates on tobacco and human rights!
If you have a resource you’d like to see added to this Human Rights Hub or a question on how to utilize these resources, please email Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy at