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ASH Mourns the Passing of Our Beloved Trustee Martin A Jacobs

It is with deep sadness that Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) announces the passing of devoted ASH Trustee and former Chair, Martin Adam Jacobs, on May 14, 2013. Mr. Jacobs was a true pioneer in the public health movement. His vision prompted him to take action against the tobacco

Protect Our Children’s Health

CALL TO ACTION: Protect Our Children! Today we ask each of you to take a moment to support the cause of a 24-year-old Michigan State University graduate and recently naturalized American citizen, Greg Holland, as he petitions the White House ( https://wh.gov/Mj4J) to protect children from tobacco smoke while riding

Ban Tobacco Product Marketing

Tobacco advertising is everywhere – in magazines, outside nearly every store and gas station, and inside convenience shops. Ads are often right at a child’s eye level. Legislation only exists in the U.S. to limit and not to prevent all of this: 1973 – Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act


A U.S. district court has ordered tobacco companies to issue and to pay for “corrective statements” in order to rectify decades of lying and manipulation. Here is what you can expect on the Adverse Health Effects of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke: A Federal Court has ruled that the Defendant tobacco


A U.S. district court has ordered tobacco companies to issue and to pay for “corrective statements” in order to rectify decades of lying and manipulation. Here is what you can expect on the Manipulation of Cigarette Design and Composition to Ensure Optimum Nicotine Delivery: A Federal Court has ruled that

Tobacco Companies Can Tell The Truth, But Only When Forced (Part 3)

A U.S. district court has ordered tobacco companies to issue and to pay for “corrective statements” in order to rectify decades of lying and manipulation. Here is what you can expect on the Lack of Significant Health Benefits from Smoking “Low Tar,” “Light,” “Ultra-Light,” “Mild,” and “Natural” Cigarettes: A Federal

Tobacco companies can tell the truth, but only when forced (Part2)

A U.S. district court has ordered tobacco companies to issue and to pay for “corrective statements” in order to rectify decades of lying and manipulation. Here is what you can expect on the Addictiveness of Smoking and Nicotine: Addictiveness of Smoking and Nicotine A Federal Court has ruled that the

Tobacco companies can tell the truth, but only when forced (Part 1)

Can you imagine a tobacco company not only admitting that smoking and secondhand smoke cause disease, but admitting that they lied about it for decades? How about tobacco executives “seeing the light” and renouncing the sale of a product that, when used as they intend, kills? Okay, that last one

NGOs tell Barroso to remove tobacco lobbyist from ethics commission

Philip Morris lobbyist reappointed to committee that should regulate lobbies and revolving doors policy for commissioners. European transparency groups Corporate European Observatory, Lobby Control, and Corporate Accountability International, have lodged a complaint with the European Commission, over the reappointment of a tobacco lobbyist to the Commission’s own ethical committee. Former

Global Burden of Disease Study 2010

Today a new landmark in global health knowledge and evidence was released. After five years and the collaboration of 500 scientists and researchers from around the world, the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010) https://www.thelancet.com/themed/global-burden-of-disease has been published in The Lancet. Thanks to dramatic achievements in health over

Are We Being Duped by Our Government on Trade Negotiations?

The 15th negotiating round of the ongoing TransPacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement will end tomorrow in Auckland, New Zealand. This marks the fourth round that U.S. negotiators have failed to “table” (formally propose) a special exception protecting governments’ right to legislate on tobacco, which they promised back in May.

Pressure to End $30m Tobacco Investment

THE NSW government is considering abandoning tobacco investments after a backlash from health experts and anti-smoking campaigners. It has for the first time admitted to having nearly $30 million invested in tobacco companies. The figures were provided in an answer to a budget estimates question asked by the Greens NSW

What is the FCTC?

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the world’s first global public health treaty. It is also the first treaty negotiated under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and is one of the most widely adopted treaties in the United Nations system. The treaty entered into force

FCA Video Highlights Tobacco Epidemic

A billion people will be killed by tobacco this century. It has been estimated that the tobacco industry makes approximately $6,000 for every death. This must stop! The tobacco treaty is among one of the best tools the world has today to prevent this senseless massacre that hurts the citizens

Tell Your Representative Not to Take Tobacco Money

Below is a sample letter to send to your representative urging them to refuse political contributions from the tobacco industry. To look up your Senator/Representative you can view the ASH campaign contribution map or click here > Senator/ Representative ______________________________ Dear Senator/Representative [last name]: I am writing to express my

Big Tobacco Buys Big Political Influence

Money is doled out to both sides of the aisle The tobacco industry has always been a major player in congressional campaigns, but a new online map ( ash.org/map) shows just how pervasive tobacco money is in politics. The map, produced by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), allows you

Top 5 Recipients @ tobaccomoney.com

New website tobaccomoney.com highlights campaign contributions and gifts from tobacco lobbyists to members of the Oklahoma State Legislator. Here is a listing of some of the websites top 5 recipients: Top Recipients of Tobacco Lobby Money in the Oklahoma House of Representatives* State Repre sentative Campaign Contributions from Tobacco Lobbyists

Smoking Makes People Poorer

A new report comes to some startling conclusions about the up-front economic costs of smoking. Nationwide, the average smoker spends 14% of income on cigarettes. In New York, where taxes are among the highest, low-income smokers spend a staggering 25% of their money on their addiction! Cigarette costs add up

More Resources Needed to Decrease Tobacco Dependence Prevalence

In the decade since the adoption of the FCTC, we have seen significant progress in the area of tobacco control policies that have helped decrease smoking prevalence. We have also seen increased demand in cessation support, in the form of a short intervention by a health care provider, counselling, or

Tobacco A Big Issue Among TPP Negotiators

At yesterday’s TransPacific Partnership stakeholder event – a bit of political theater set up by the United States Trade Representative to demonstrate the “transparency” of the highly-secretive negotiations – negotiators from other countries eagerly sought us out to hear about how tobacco regulation is threatened by trade law. ASH’s Chris