Endgame Training Course

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ASH at ECTC in Greece

July 2022 – ASH staff attended the 7th ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control (ECTC) in Greece. This was a valuable opportunity to host a workshop, present on the environment, and host a panel on the tobacco endgame, while networking with partners from across Europe. Given that Greece has the

Time for the New “Normal” in Tobacco Packaging

Plain Packaging Should be Universal Yesterday, Ireland became the first country in Europe and the second country in the world to pass legislation requiring plain packaging for tobacco products. Under the new rule, all forms of branding will be banned, including logos and colors. The packages will be covered with

Senators put profit (and campaign donations) above health

U.S. Senators Warn EU Over Proposed Cigarette Rules By THOMAS CATAN And WILLIAM MAULDIN WASHINGTON—Europe is encountering fierce opposition from an unexpected source over its efforts to curb smoking: Republican Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. In a sharply-worded letter, the Senate minority leader has warned the European Union its proposed