Endgame Training Course


Tobacco control: saving lives and driving development

Tobacco use poses an unparalleled health and economic burden worldwide. A new study found that the diseases caused by smoking account for US$ 422 billion in health care expenditures annually, representing almost 6% of global spending on health. Smoking causes close to 6 million deaths per year – more than

Monograph: The Economics of Tobacco & Tobacco Contol

This collaborative analysis from the National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organization is the result of several years’ work from noted experts in economics, public health and law. It is the most detailed look yet at the economic harm caused by tobacco use. ASH Deputy Director Chris Bostic was

Why we need to tax tobacco

Let’s be clear. Tobacco use, and its negative health, social and economic impact, is not a global problem that is simply going away. As documented in a recent study, despite significant reductions in the estimated prevalence of daily smoking observed at the global level for both men and women since

Global Development

Tobacco is an economic threat to individuals, countries and the world. Tobacco use is a major driver of poverty, depriving the world of between 1-2% of its GDP annually. Tobacco use is higher among the poor. Their addiction to nicotine drives them to spend a relatively large proportion of their