Endgame Training Course



Every. Six. Seconds. A new tragedy hits as a new person dies from a tobacco-related disease. Each person leaves a hole in our families, communities, and society when they vanish. This is unacceptable. This is preventable. And we must end it. With your help, we will. Watch the nightmare unfold,

Education before Tobacco Profits

The most recent data shows that the tobacco industry spent more than $1 million a day sponsoring events and giveaways that target college students. Tobacco companies heavily target young adults (ages 18 to 21) through a variety of marketing activities—such as music and sporting events, bar promotions, college marketing programs,

Tobacco Deaths & Taxes

In the past, the United States has been a leader in tobacco control. For the last 15 years, though, the U.S. has been falling behind as other countries have moved to protect their people from tobacco addiction and death. For example, when it comes to tobacco prices, there are huge

Scary anti-smoking ads prompt 100,000-plus to kick habit

An estimated 1.6 million Americans tried to quit and at least 100,000 likely succeeded as a result of graphic anti-smoking ads, a new study says. Want a smoker to quit? Scare, shock or disgust him. That’s what the U.S. government did with its first federally funded anti-smoking ad campaign and,

WNTD: The Nightmare Epidemic Created by Tobacco Marketing

Tobacco is a Deadly Product – Tobacco kills up to half of its users. – Tobacco kills nearly 6 million people each year, of whom more than 5 million are from direct tobacco use and more than 600 000 are nonsmokers exposed to second-hand smoke. Unless urgent action is taken,

Tobacco Statistics & Facts

Together, we can phase cigarettes off the commercial market. Together, we can hold tobacco executives criminally liable for selling a deadly product. Together, we can protect the health of generations to come. Join us for the last chapter of the tobacco wars and support our fight by making a donation