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US News

States need to do more to reduce smoking, study says

Many U.S. state governments use little of the money they receive each year from tobacco taxes or legal settlements with cigarette makers to fund programs that could help people kick the habit or prevent them from becoming smokers, according to a new report released on Wednesday. Each year, more than

Reynolds American Subsidiary Sues E-cig Maker

A subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc. is suing an Alabama electronic-cigarette retailer, accusing the company of trademark infringement of Reynolds’ Camel and Winston brands, and unfair and deceptive trade practices. Reynolds Innovations Inc. filed the lawsuit Friday in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of N.C. The case

Big Tobacco Buys Big Political Influence

Money is doled out to both sides of the aisle The tobacco industry has always been a major player in congressional campaigns, but a new online map ( ash.org/map) shows just how pervasive tobacco money is in politics. The map, produced by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), allows you