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tobacco endgame

Earth in a plastic bag

Plastic-Free July

Welcome to Plastic-Free July. As the northern hemisphere heads to the beach or the mountains for well-deserved R&R, Plastic-Free July is a reminder that the plastic pollution crisis is only getting worse and we have it in our power to make small decisions that, multiplied by many millions, can have

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Upholds Tobacco-Free Generation Law

Media Contact: Megan Manning ManningM@ash.org (202) 390 – 9513 Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Upholds Tobacco-Free Generation Law Brookline has banned the sale of tobacco to anyone born this century WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 8, 2024 – In a decision that is likely to spur similar laws in other towns, the

FCTC COP10: Article 2.1 Decision (Forward Looking Measures)

The Tenth Conference of the Parties (COP 10) of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) adopted a series of key Decisions including a decision entitled “Forward-looking tobacco control measures (in relation to Article 2.1 of the WHO FCTC)” that addresses innovative policies aimed at ending the tobacco epidemic.

Global Progress Achieved at WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations in Panama

Media Contact: Megan Manning ManningM@ash.org (202) 390 – 9513 Global Progress Achieved at WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations in Panama Decisions Adopted to Connect Human Rights and the Environment to Tobacco Control with an Eye to Endgame WASHINGTON, DC – FEBRUARY 12, 2024 – Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) led

COP10 Day 6: WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations

February 10, 2024 – COP10 was particularly special because several cross-cutting issues – human rights, the environment, and the tobacco endgame – were on the agenda. ASH and the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control (then the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) led advocacy for a human rights decision at COP8

COP10 Day 5: WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations

February 9, 2024 – Today is the second to last day of the 10th Conference of the Parties, and the Parties still have agenda items left to discuss, but they have also gotten through several of their important agenda items. Yesterday, the government of Ecuador proposed a Decision on the

COP10 Day 4: WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations

February 8, 2024 – How the Sausage Gets Made Few of us have ever made actual sausage. But we’ll explain the process anyway, and then compare it to how things get done at FCTC COP. To make sausage, you need some casing, some meat and spices. You grind everything up, and

COP10 Day 3: WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations

February 7, 2024 – Today was another packed day for the ASH delegation here in Panama. Several of ASH’s policy priorities have come up on the agenda of the COP. Unfortunately, fruitful debates on these items have been delayed because of country Parties spouting tobacco industry rhetoric. However, that has

COP10 Day 2: WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations

February 6, 2024 – A typical day at the Conference of the Parties begins very early and ends very late, and today was no different. At 7:00 AM, ASH begins by meeting with our civil society allies to discuss strategy for the day. Starting at 9:00 AM, we attend meetings

COP10 Day 1: WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations

February 5, 2024 – The in-person portion of the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP10) of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) began today in Panama City. In a very fitting opening message, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General said, “We must continue advocating for

ASH’s Accomplishments in 2023

ASH’s work is based on the principle that the actions of the tobacco industry – producing, marketing, and selling addictive products that kill when use as intended – violates human rights, such as the right to health, that have been recognized at the highest level through international, regional, and national legal

New Zealand Plans to Gut Public Health Policies on Tobacco Sales

New Zealand Plans to Gut Public Health Policies on Tobacco Sales Statement from Laurent Huber, Executive Director, Action on Smoking and Health November 29, 2023 Last week, New Zealand led the way in ending the tobacco epidemic with the most progressive and hard-hitting tobacco policies in the world. This Monday,

A Global First: New Zealand Passes Tobacco Endgame Bill Package

A Global First: New Zealand Passes Tobacco Endgame Bill Package Changing the Course of the Tobacco Epidemic for the World Media Contact: Megan Manning (202) 390-9513 WASHINGTON, DC – DECEMBER 13, 2022 – Today, the New Zealand Parliament adopted the strongest anti-tobacco law in world history. Once implemented, the Smokefree

ASH at ECTC in Greece

July 2022 – ASH staff attended the 7th ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control (ECTC) in Greece. This was a valuable opportunity to host a workshop, present on the environment, and host a panel on the tobacco endgame, while networking with partners from across Europe. Given that Greece has the

Reporter Guide: Tobacco Endgame Policies

With several tobacco endgame (Project Sunset) policies be explored and implemented around the world, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) produced a guide for reporters on the key elements and distinctions of these policies. For any additional questions, contact Megan Arendt, ASH Associate Director of Communications. For more information on

Sunset Plans

Click here to view our: Reporter Guide to Tobacco Endgame Policies Progress on Tobacco Endgame Around the World United States – As of January 1, 2021 Beverly Hills and Manhattan Beach, CA implemented their bans on the sale of tobacco products. Read ASH’s statement here. – At least a dozen other cities