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Michael Bloomberg says big tobacco preys on the world’s poor

Bloomberg said: “Someday somebodies going to come along and say to the people who are running these companies, you are killing people. If you kill somebody on the streets with a gun or beat them over the head, we put you in jail or worse. “These people [tobacco companies] deliberately

New Global Fund to Help Countries Defend Smoking Laws

Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced on Wednesday that they had started a global fund to help low- and middle-income countries fight legal challenges to their smoking laws by the tobacco industry. The fund is modest, at least so far, with a total of $4 million

NYC’s cigarette price-hiking regulations ruled legal

A legal challenge to a new law aimed at keeping New York City tobacco prices sky high​ has gone up in smoke. Manhattan federal Judge Thomas Greisa on Wednesday sided with the city in a lawsuit filed in January by tobacco companies and trade groups representing cigarette retailers. Greisa in

World No Tobacco Day: Tobacco Taxation

Raising taxes on tobacco products can affect the price, and therefore consumption, of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health further explains the issue via video, infographic, research, and more. Click here>

Once Again, Mayor Bloomberg Stands Firm For Health

On the threat from trade agreements to tobacco regulations, few have been able to come as close to the heart of the matter as Mayor Bloomberg. His opinion piece in today’s New York Times in reaction to President Obama’s reversal on tobacco in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement brilliantly summarizes why