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Stamped complaint

ASH & AATCLC File Lawsuit Against FDA

This press release was re-issued on September 3rd and December 3rd, 2020 with the addition of the American Medical Association (AMA) and National Medical Association (NMA) as a co-plantiffs. See the latest news release here.   THE AFRICAN AMERICAN TOBACCO CONTROL LEADERSHIP COUNCIL (AATCLC) AND ACTION ON SMOKING AND HEALTH

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Media Advisory: What’s Menthol Got to Do with It? Everything (Still)!

Carol McGruder, Co-Chair, African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council “For every black man murdered, there are 6-8 dying of tobacco diseases.” “We can’t wait until what’s happening with police brutality is solved to address thousands dying from cigarettes.”             Dr. Phillip Gardiner, Co-Chair, African American