Statement from ASH Board Chair Dr. Alfred Munzer and ASH Executive Director Laurent Huber
Currently our country is engulfed in two crises, one caused by a virus and one by centuries of inequities and injustice that, as a society, we have neither fixed nor honestly faced. As you know, human rights underlays ASH’s work, and to this end we work closely with African American and other communities of color to address the gross inequalities in health outcomes in this country. Those who have not experienced a lifetime of institutional racism cannot fathom the anguish of friends and colleagues who have, but we are all heartbroken at some of the images on the news, and inspired beyond words by others. We can only hope, and strive, for a better world to result from our country’s present pain. ASH’s mission is to work towards a world that is healthier in every way, and addressing racism and inequity is an essential part of making the world a healthier place. Today, and every day, we stand with our Black colleagues, partners, fellow advocates and the entire Black community.
In the meantime, we are muting our usual messaging to listen and make space for the peacemakers.