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FCTC COP10: Human Rights Decision

The tenth Conference of the Parties (COP 10) of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) adopted a series of key Decisions including Decision FCTC/COP10(20) Contribution of the WHO FCTC to the promotion and fulfillment of human rights. ASH is a proud supporter of this Decision adopted by the COP, the

Additional Resources

Below are links to pages containing additional information and useful resources on Tobacco and Human Rights Learning Resources This page contains tools to assist advocates in becoming more well-versed in the area of human rights. Some resources include a guide to human rights reporting and a memo on engaging in

Using International Tools to Fight Menthol

Black Americans have been intentionally targeted by the tobacco industry for decades. As a result, nearly 9 out of 10 of African Americans that smoke, smoke menthols. The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) includes requirements to ensure that all people have the right

Social Media

Below are images and videos for use on social media. Please use them to share your support for addressing tobacco control through a human rights lens by posting these resources and tagging ASH on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @ASHorg and on Facebook @ASHglobalAction. Also, consider using the hashtags #TobaccoViolation and #HumanRights to share the message with a broader audience.    Images

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the world’s first public health treaty. It was negotiated as the world’s response to the global tobacco epidemic. The FCTC was completed in 2003, and has now been joined by 180 countries and the European Community. Learn More About the FCTC

Parallel issues

There are numerous other issues that provide legal or political precedent that can be applied to tobacco and human rights. Environment Environmental Issues that are Indirectly Relevant to Tobacco Climate Litigation against Companies: An Overview of Legal Arguments 2018- The Business and Human Rights Resource Center tracked 14 climate lawsuits

Learning resources

ASH Human Rights Resource Guide ASH put together this resource as a guide for advocates that would like to get involved in human rights reporting at the national level. It provides an overview of how to report to human rights treaty bodies and the Universal Periodic Review ASH Resource Guide

Academic articles

This is a non-exhaustive list of scholarly writings on the subjects of tobacco control and human rights. General Human Rights Articles What is a Human-Rights Based Approach to Health and does it Matter? 2008- Leslie London A human rights approach to health is critical to address growing global health inequalities.

Using Human Rights Arguments in Litigation

Some advocates have begun using human rights arguments in litigation against the tobacco industry. Below are several cases relevant to human rights, but this list is far from exhaustive of all tobacco litigation. For a much more in depth look at tobacco litigation worldwide, please visit the excellent resource put

Regional Mechanisms

In addition to global mechanisms and international human rights treaty bodies, there are several regional bodies. They are responsible for the human rights in their respective regions, and therefore, can be very useful for advocates living and working in those regions. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) The Inter-American Commission

The Human Rights Council and Universal Periodic Review

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is a United Nations (UN) body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world. While there have been a limited number of resolutions that are directly relevant to tobacco control, there are many others that could support a human rights based

Global Mechanisms – The United Nations

This global mechanisms section encompasses official documents including resolutions, statements, letters, and more that pertain to tobacco control and human rights at the international level, but do not fall under a human rights treaty body. UN Statements, Resolutions and Declarations Relevant to Tobacco Control and Human Rights UN Statements on

Tobacco and Human Rights Basics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv-5fFAGEVA ASH Human Rights Resource Guide ASH put together this resource as a guide for advocates that would like to get involved in human rights reporting at the national level. It provides an overview of how to report to human rights treaty bodies and the Universal Periodic Review ASH Resource

Tobacco and Human Rights Hub

Advocacy Tools for the Fight for the Right to Health When people think of tobacco, they often think of it as a public health problem, but it is a human rights problem as well. The marketing and sale of tobacco violate the right to health and life of people all