Endgame Training Course


Ethel R. Wells

Martin A. Jacobs

In honor of Mrs. Ethel R. Wells, dedicated Trustee of Action on Smoking and Health. We are honored and inspired by her leadership and her unwavering dedication to ASH. Her vision, legacy of passion, and generosity continue through her beloved daughter, Marion Rose Wells.

In honor of Mr. Martin Jacobs, dedicated Trustee of Action on Smoking and Health. Martin had a vision for his role in life – fighting for the underdog. He was to his last breath an incorruptible, determined, insightful advocate whose legacy continues to motivate the work of ASH.

Board of Trustees Presenting Dedications

Board of Trustees Presenting Dedications

Tribute to Ms. M.R. (Marion) Wells (pictured above)

Marion served on the ASH Board of Trustees for over a decade, following in the steps of her beloved mother who had also served on ASH’s Board.  Marion’s vision led to some of ASH’s biggest successes in the past ten years, including getting the United Nations to recognize tobacco as a major hurdle to human development. Marion not only never missed a Board meeting, but she also devoted time and effort to support the staff.  For example, Marion helped review and edit countless documents for ASH, including articles for scientific journals, policy documents, grants, communication materials and others.  She never said no when she was asked for input on policy or communication materials, always giving honest and extremely useful advice to ASH staff as well as the organization.  She will be dearly missed.