Endgame Training Course

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Support Our Work

ASH relies on the support of its donors to help fund its programs and global initiatives. Supporting ASH directly supports the prevention of tobacco related disease and death affecting your local communities and those around the world.

ASH is a US nonprofit organization and gifts are fully tax-deductible.

ASH EIN: 13-2603590

Corporations interested in making contributions or in-kind gifts should Contact ASH.

There are several ways you can TAKE ACTION with ASH and make a difference in the movement for a tobacco-free world:

Make a donation 

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Make your voice heard!

Political will is one of the most important aspects of tobacco control. In addition to your financial support, we need your help to convince decision makers that tobacco is an urgent problem. The solutions are largely known, we only need to find the will to do what we know is right.

Issues to Mention

The industry has increasingly used trade courts to thwart tobacco regulation. The solution is simple – tobacco is a unique product, and should be exempted from trade and investment agreements.

The tobacco industry has always been a major player in congressional campaigns. The ASH tobacco industry campaign contribution map shows just how pervasive tobacco money is in politics. Urge your Senator/Representative to refuse tobacco industry campaign contributions.


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