Endgame Training Course


ENSP Publication

Tobacco control in the United States: Failure to protect the right to health

ASH published an editorial in Tobacco Prevention and Cessation, the official journal of ENSP, the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention. The editorial was co-signed by: African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, Corporate Accountability International, Austrian Council on Smoking and Health, Centro de Investigacion para la Epidemia del Tabaquismo

Parallel issues

There are numerous other issues that provide legal or political precedent that can be applied to tobacco and human rights. Environment Environmental Issues that are Indirectly Relevant to Tobacco Climate Litigation against Companies: An Overview of Legal Arguments 2018- The Business and Human Rights Resource Center tracked 14 climate lawsuits

The Human Rights Council and Universal Periodic Review

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is a United Nations (UN) body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world. While there have been a limited number of resolutions that are directly relevant to tobacco control, there are many others that could support a human rights based

Statement from Action on Smoking and Health on E-Cigarettes Following the U.S. Surgeon General’s Report: E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy released a new report today, December 8, 2016, that presents research and policy recommendations on electronic cigarettes and their use among adolescents and young adults. The report, which was reviewed by 150 experts, highlights some of the risks associated with using electronic cigarettes, including nicotine

We must protect our health gains

What will the next four years hold for the anti-tobacco movement in the U.S.? We can’t say for sure, and if the recent track record of pollsters tells us anything, it is that concrete political predictions are a fool’s game. But for those of us concerned about tobacco and public

World No Tobacco Day: Taking Steps to Save Lives

By: Jimmy Kolker, HHS Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs Summary: Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States. This May 31st, we celebrate World No Tobacco Day exit disclaimer icon – a day to highlight not only the significant risks and tragic, preventable

CVS Health Quits U.S. Chamber Over Stance on Smoking

The CVS Health Corporation said on Tuesday that it would resign from theU.S. Chamber of Commerce after revelations that the chamber and its foreign affiliates were undertaking a global lobbying campaign against antismoking laws. CVS, which last year stopped selling tobacco products in its stores, said the lobbying activity ran


On June 30, 2015, The New York Times released a tiered investigation to expose the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) affiliates as a front group for Big Tobacco. The New York Times reported that the US Chamber and its affiliates, “use their access to


For Immediate Release: July 2, 2015 Contact: Meghan Dubyak / Rachel Petri 202-224-1175 BROWN, BLUMENTHAL AND DEMOCRATIC SENATE COLLEAGUES ISSUE JOINT STATEMENT ON U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE’S GLOBAL LOBBYING FOR BIG TOBACCO WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Jeff Merkley (D-OR),


Click here to read the report   Policy Papers ASH works hard to inform and educate policy makers and the public about tobacco prevention and the tobacco industry. A number of informative policy papers and reports produced by ASH and the Framework Convention Alliance are found here> Additional Resources Case Studies

Time for the New “Normal” in Tobacco Packaging

Plain Packaging Should be Universal Yesterday, Ireland became the first country in Europe and the second country in the world to pass legislation requiring plain packaging for tobacco products. Under the new rule, all forms of branding will be banned, including logos and colors. The packages will be covered with

Senator Warren calls Philip Morris on Abusive Trade Lawsuit.

By Senator Elizabeth Warren The United States is in the final stages of negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a massive free-trade agreement with Mexico, Canada, Japan, Singapore and seven other countries. Who will benefit from the TPP? American workers? Consumers? Small businesses? Taxpayers? Or the biggest multinational corporations in the

U.S. floats cutting tobacco from part of Pacific trade pact -sources

By Krista Hughes WASHINGTON, Oct 21 (Reuters) – The United States has floated excluding tobacco products from a key section of a 12-nation Pacific trade deal and signaled it may present a formal proposal to trading partners at talks in Australia, sources briefed on the negotiations said. Dropping tobacco from

A Winnable Battle

The CDC identifies reducing tobacco as a “Winnable Battle” because tobacco is a public health priority with “large-scale impact on health and with known, effective strategies to address them.” For ASH, the ability to significantly improve the protection of U.S. citizens from tobacco-related damage, disease, and death is the driver

US FCTC Implementation Guide

U.S. NO LONGER LEADS IN TOBACCO WARS American Efforts to Cut Tobacco Use Fall Behind Those Abroad The United States, once a leader in public health measures on tobacco, is falling behind international best practices when it comes to protecting its citizens from the harms of tobacco. Not all U.S.

New Study Reveals No Drop in Use of Smokeless Tobacco for U.S. Workers

According to a recent study by the US. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. workers are continuing, and slightly increasing, their use of smokeless tobacco products. Smokeless tobacco (snuff and chew tobacco) are known to cause oral, esophageal and pancreatic cancer. The study did not include other smokeless

US Reps. Waxman, Doggett, Capps and Over 50 Members Urge Administration to Strengthen Tobacco Proposal in TPP

33rd Congressional District of California Rep. Henry A. Waxman For Immediate Release: October 30, 2013 Karen Lightfoot (Waxman): (202) 225-5735 Doug Molof (Doggett): (202) 225-4865 Chris Meagher (Capps): (202) 225-3601 Reps. Waxman, Doggett, Capps, and Over 50 Members Urge Administration to Strengthen Tobacco Proposal for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement WASHINGTON,

Write to Ambassador Samantha Power

If you think tobacco control is an important issue and should be included in the post-2015 development agenda, use this template letter to send to US Ambassador Samantha Power. The letter explains the advantages of implementing tobacco control measures in order to achieve sustainable development. You can send this letter

The Tobacco Problem in U.S. Trade

Should tobacco be like any other product in U.S. trade? The question bedeviled U.S. policymakers for decades, but it has now arisen again, with much controversy, in the context of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the pending trade deal between the United States and eleven other countries. The White House has

Statement of the United States on Menthol

Statement of the United States on Menthol for the WTO Dispute Settlement Body on July 23, 2013 The United States provided a status report in this dispute on July 11, 2013, in accordance with Article 21.6 of the DSU. As the United States has reported to the DSB, U.S. authorities

U.S. breaks its promise on protecting tobacco control, AGAIN

U.S. Unlikely To Table Drug IPR, Tobacco Proposal At Current TPP Round Posted: July 18, 2013   KOTA KINABALU — A spokeswoman for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative strongly signaled that U.S. negotiators will not offer any new formal proposals here on two controversial issues in the Trans-Pacific