Endgame Training Course

United Nations

INC-4 Day 6: UN Plastic Pollution Treaty Negotiations

April 28, 2024 – INC4 returned to full plenary for the first time in several days in order to discuss the possibility of intercessional work. Given the state of the draft text, it seems impossible to finish at INC5 in the absence of work over the next few months. –

INC-4 Day 5: UN Plastic Pollution Treaty Negotiations

April 27, 2024 – It is the fifth day of negotiations and fatigue is becoming evident as sessions go to 11:00pm and later, and the weekend brings no respite. Working groups are deep in text negotiations. And both contact groups that are negotiating our major interests will begin to move

INC-4 Day 3/4: UN Plastic Pollution Treaty Negotiations

April 26, 2024 – The third and fourth days of negotiations were spent discussing the minutiae of critical sections of the treaty. The highlight of the day came when Peru called for cigarette filters to be banned. Panama quickly supported them.  Other notable news: – Switzerland, supported by four other

INC-4 Day 2: UN Plastic Pollution Treaty Negotiations

April 24, 2024 – Today the INC broke into groups to begin the arduous task of editing the zero draft. Even on the second day, the need for quick progress was recognized, and negotiations continued throughout the evening hours. This is when the work becomes a marathon; large delegations have

INC-4 Day 1: UN Plastic Pollution Treaty Negotiations

April 23, 2024 – Today was the opening of INC-4 and began with the opening plenary. The Chair – Luis Vayas Valdivieso of Ecuador – asked that delegations not make typical opening statements in order to save time. All the countries that produce oil or plastic precursor chemicals did so

INC-4 Day 0: UN Plastic Pollution Treaty Negotiations

April 22, 2024 – The fourth round of negotiations for the UN Treaty to End Plastic Pollution formally begins tomorrow, April 23rd, here in Ottawa. There has already been enough preliminary activity and speeches to warrant an early update. But it’s not great. As you may recall, ASH and our

International Advocacy Leads to Local and Global Progress

By: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy, Managing Attorney at ASH Throughout my time at ASH, I have visited the United Nations, both in New York and in Geneva, many times. But every single time I step onto a UN campus, I’m awestruck. This is where international change is made, and I am so

INC-3 Day 6/7: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 20, 2023 – INC-3 adjourned on Sunday, November 19th with a decision for the Secretariat to provide a revised zero draft text. The text will be available by December 31, 2023 and will serve as the subsequent document to be negotiated at INC-4, which will be held from April 21-30,

INC-3 Day 5: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 17, 2023 – The contact groups continued with the publication of the written submissions and revised synthesis documents. The Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (STPA) and its allies spent much of the day reviewing everything as we were able. (Available online for those following along). Today’s debates centered around how and

INC-3 Day 4: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 16, 2023 – Contact Groups continued today in the run up to the plenary, which was quite brief. The plenary only included a review of each Contact Groups’ progress and the next steps on the agenda for each group. Contact Groups 2 and 3 have completed their first round

INC-3 Day 3: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 15, 2023 – Day 3 brought back-to-back to back Contact Group sessions. The atmosphere is intense with member states eager to maximize their time available in Nairobi for INC-3 negotiations. Today, we also learned that the day would be extended to accommodate another evening Contact Group 1 session. Robust

INC-3 Day 2: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 14, 2023 – Per usual INC was off to a slow start, running behind on the agenda which was revised overnight to allow for added plenary time this morning to accommodate additional member state interventions and observer interventions. Despite the delays, we were very pleased to see Panama, Uruguay,

INC-3 Day 1: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 13, 2023 – The third negotiating session of the UN Treaty to End Plastic Pollution, held at United Nations Environmental Programme headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya began today, commencing another 7 days of discussion on ways to combat the devasting impact of plastic pollution on our planet. Though we are

33 Countries Support Human Rights Based Approach to UN Plastic Pollution Treaty

March 17, 2023 | Geneva, Switzerland Andres del Castillo of Peru addresses the UN Human Rights Council on behalf of Peru, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Vanuatu, Brazil, Portugal, Luxemburg, Malta, Armenia, Chile, Mexico, Georgia, Finland, Germany, Ukraine, Croatia, Cyprus, Maldives, Slovenia, Uruguay, Ireland, Panamá, Colombia, Belgium, Angola, Paraguay, Switzerland, France, Marshall

Synopsis and Prospects: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

December 5, 2022 – The first of five Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) meetings for the UN Plastics Pollution treaty is finished. The plan is to approve a final text roughly two years from now, which will be handed over to the UN Environmental Assembly for adoption. Then it will be opened

Day 4: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

December 1, 2022 – Today, ASH was able to make a second intervention during the plenary discussions on the role of nongovernmental stakeholders in negotiations going forward. Many thanks to our allies in the environmental coalition for their vital input. Here is our intervention, to give you a taste of

Day 3: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 30, 2022 – Today, several delegations mentioned the need to ensure basic human rights as we hammer out a treaty to end plastics pollution. This got me to thinking. It should be all about human rights. In the discussions leading up to INC-1, as I’ve mentioned previously, “inclusiveness” has

Day 2: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 29, 2022 – The highlight of today was a three-hour Multi-Stakeholder Forum. If that title sets off your radar, your radar is well-calibrated. The industries that have caused the plastic pollution problem were given the same platform and respect as civil society groups struggling to stop them. Some were

Day 1: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 28, 2022 – Greetings from Punta del Este. Today is an historic day in the history of environmental protection. At 10:00am local time, the first round of negotiations for the global plastics pollution treaty got under way. Whether it was a good day or a bad is to be

ASH at the UN Human Rights Council 50th Session

June 2022 – ASH staff had the opportunity to participate in the United Nations Human Rights Council 50th session, in Geneva, Switzerland. The Human Rights Council is an “inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for

HRC Submission June 2020

NGO Joint Submission to the UN Human Rights Coucil

In advance of the 44th session of the United Nations Human Right’s Council (HRC) this June, ASH and several partners submitted a formal statement addressing tobacco in the global human rights agenda. Read our joint submission here.

Joint Letter to the United Nations Secretary-General

Secretary General António Guterres                                                                                                     19 July 2019 United Nations, S-233 New York, NY 10027   Dear Secretary General Guterres, RE: The role of the tobacco industry in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development We are writing to you regarding a note on the role of the tobacco industry in the