Endgame Training Course


Statement from Action on Smoking and Health on E-Cigarettes Following the U.S. Surgeon General’s Report: E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy released a new report today, December 8, 2016, that presents research and policy recommendations on electronic cigarettes and their use among adolescents and young adults. The report, which was reviewed by 150 experts, highlights some of the risks associated with using electronic cigarettes, including nicotine

New study links e-cig use in teens to smoking initiation

Importance Exposure to nicotine in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) is becoming increasingly common among adolescents who report never having smoked combustible tobacco. Objective To evaluate whether e-cigarette use among 14-year-old adolescents who have never tried combustible tobacco is associated with risk of initiating use of 3 combustible tobacco products (ie, cigarettes,

Big Tobacco Tries to Don A New Look: Are You Buying?

Big Tobacco wants to reclaim the hearts and wallets of most adult Americans by rebranding its tarred image — pitching “smokeless” e-cigarettes, embracing the mantra “harm reduction,” and funding science that could turn tobacco plants into life-saving medicine. That tactical shift, not surprisingly, has cultivated cynics like anti-tobacco crusader Patrick

Electronic Cigarette Executives Get Schooled In Senate Hearing

“I think we have seen this movie before,” Senator Richard Blumenthal said. “It is called big nicotine comes to children near you and you are using the same kinds of tactics and promotions and ads that were used by big tobacco and proved so effective” In a hearing Wednesday afternoon

Why big tobacco companies are betting on e-cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes, promoted as a healthier alternative to tobacco, are getting powerful new backers with an unhealthy reputation: big tobacco companies.The development points to ways Big Tobacco is moving to turn the young e-cigarette market to its advantage. Full Article>

FDA Extends Its Authority Over Tobacco Products & E-Cigarettes, Leaving Loopholes

Statement of ASH Executive Director Laurent Huber Today, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed new rules that will extend its regulatory authority to include electronic cigarettes as well as cigars, pipe tobacco, nicotine gels, water pipe tobacco and hookahs. Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) applauds the FDA’s action

FDA Will Propose New Regulations for E-Cigarettes

he Food and Drug Administration will propose sweeping new rules on Thursday that for the first time would extend its regulatory authority from cigarettes to electronic cigarettes, popular nicotine delivery devices that have grown into a multibillion-dollar business with virtually no federal oversight or protections for American consumers. Click here

Should e-cigarettes be considered tobacco products?

Since e-cigarettes hit the market, they have been the subject of intense debate. Are electronic cigarettes a cessation tool or an alternative smoking device? Should they be subject to the same smoke-free air laws as tobacco products? Should they be taxed at a similar rate as cigarettes? In Toulouse, France,