Endgame Training Course


Protect Our Environment

Donate Our Environment Must be Protected from Tobacco Product Waste New Report from 3 Organizations Highlights European Union, French, and American Progress WASHINGTON, DC – MAY 25, 2022 – Tobacco Product Waste is a completely preventable and controllable environmental disaster. With natural resources being depleted and climate change accelerating, governments


CNCT – Filtergate: opening of a preliminary investigation

Translated by CNCT from their French release here. Following the filing of a complaint by the Comité National Contre le Tabagisme (CNCT) for endangering the lives of others due to the manipulation of filters by tobacco manufacturers, a preliminary investigation has just been opened. Paris, May 5, 2018 – The

Cape Town Declaration on Human Rights and a Tobacco-Free World

Tobacco is increasingly being recognized globally as a human rights challenge. This is reflected by the Cape Town Declaration on Human Rights being adopted by the World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH), the International Conference of the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP), and the Asia Pacific