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cigarette sales

ASH Statement: The Coronavirus Catch-22 for the Tobacco Industry

  Statement from Action on Smoking and Health The Coronavirus Catch-22 for the Tobacco Industry   Contact: Megan Arendt arendtm@ash.org (202) 659-4310 WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 31, 2020 – As governments close non-essential businesses to maximize social distancing, they face the need to decide just what “essential” means. Tobacco should

Beverly Hills Study Session – February 5, 2019

The Beverly Hills City Council has voiced unanimous support for ending the sale of tobacco products in their city. Currently the city’s Health and Safety Commission is researching policy options to achieve that goal. They will report back to the council in the next few months. A final ordinance is

ASH: The Big Picture

2017 has been a very exciting year at ASH. We celebrated our 50th anniversary, announced our pivot away from “tobacco control” and towards “cigarette free” and earned numerous victories across each of our programs. As we begin looking forward into 2018 and beyond, we want to share with you how

Project Sunset

Phase Out the Commercial Sale of Cigarettes

Project Sunset is an ASH-led global campaign to convince policy makers to phase out the sale of commercial combustible tobacco products. It is focused entirely on the sale, not individual possession or use. The campaign includes efforts to address the social, political, and structural factors that sustain the smoking epidemic,