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Using Human Rights Arguments in Litigation

Some advocates have begun using human rights arguments in litigation against the tobacco industry. Below are several cases relevant to human rights, but this list is far from exhaustive of all tobacco litigation. For a much more in depth look at tobacco litigation worldwide, please visit the excellent resource put


CNCT – Filtergate: opening of a preliminary investigation

Translated by CNCT from their French release here. Following the filing of a complaint by the Comité National Contre le Tabagisme (CNCT) for endangering the lives of others due to the manipulation of filters by tobacco manufacturers, a preliminary investigation has just been opened. Paris, May 5, 2018 – The

Dutch Prosecutor Rejects Tobacco Criminal Case; Many Arguments for Appeal Exist

Statement of Laurent Huber, Executive Director of Action on Smoking and Health WASHINGTON, DC – FEBRUARY 22, 2018 – We are disappointed in the Dutch Public Prosecution Service’s (DPPS) decision not to file criminal charges against the tobacco industry. We congratulate the efforts of our colleagues at Sick of Smoking, 

Netherlands Cancer Institute files a report against tobacco manufacturers

The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) is the first hospital/research institution in the Netherlands to file a report in the ongoing criminal case against tobacco manufacturers. In doing so, the NKI asks the Public Prosecution Service to take steps against the tobacco manufacturers. The NKI believes that it is ‘banging its

10th Anniversary of Landmark Ruling

On August 17, 2006, U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler issued an historic ruling. Nearly 7 years after the case was first filed, Judge Kessler issued an opinion that found that the tobacco industry had fraudulently and illegally covered up the health hazards of smoking for decades, in violation of the

Dutch lawyer starts criminal case against tobacco firms

A Dutch lawyer and lung cancer patient are planning to take tobacco companies to court for for producing cigarettes designed to turn people into addicts as quickly as possible. Lawyer Benedicte Ficq and cancer victim Anne Marie van Veen are putting together a criminal case against cigarette producers, arguing that

Criminal Cases about Consumer Products

The tobacco epidemic continues to spread around the world. Tobacco is unique – no other product kills half of its consumers when used exactly as intended. If tobacco products were released as new products today, they would quickly be banned, and civil and criminal cases would be brought against tobacco