Endgame Training Course

Search Results for: right to life – Page 2

ASH Annual Report 2020

2020 Annual Report

…more needs to be done for countries to effectively realize the globally recognized “right to the highest attainable standard of health.” The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which…

Action Review: Second Quarter 2021

…launched here Video of Practical Applications of Human Rights to Tobacco Control Report: Cessation, The Right to Health Joint Statement: The FDA Agrees to Ban Menthol, To Protect African Americans;…

Human Rights Day 2020

Happy Human Rights Day! December 10th is International Human Rights Day, in observation of the day that the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This…

Action Review: Third Quarter Edition 2020

In August, ASH welcomed a new staffer to the team, Carol Maytum (pictured top right). She is based out of Sacramento, California and gives us boots on the ground for…

Action Review: Second Quarter Edition 2020

…2020, Pages 1054–1055: A Holistic Approach to Human Rights and the Tobacco Epidemic Tobacco Control in the United States: Failure to Protect the Right to Health Hannaford grocery store chain…

John's Dying Wish

Why I Fight: John’s Dying Wish

…here? That’s the only thing keeping me alive right now.” He goes on to describe everything he’s now experiencing noting that the video is his “last will and testament” because…


COVID-19 Resources

…Global Public Health). Combined slides are available here. Women, Tobacco, and Human Rights March 18, 2021 – Watch the recording of our Webinar on Women, Tobacco, and Human Rights in…

Action Review: First Quarter Edition 2020

On Thursday, April 2, 2020, ASH hosted a live webinar with Dr. Carolyn Dresler to address the nexus between the tobacco epidemic, human rights and the coronavirus. The discussion focused…

Laurent in Tokyo

ASH’s Human Rights Work in Japan

…numerous human rights treaties it has ratified. It is time for Japan’s civil society to take advantage of the existing human rights strategies to remind its government that unless it…

Social Media

…Facebook @ASHglobalAction. Also, consider using the hashtags #TobaccoViolation and #HumanRights to share the message with a broader audience. Images on Human Rights and Tobacco Videos on Human Rights and Tobacco…

No Legal Right to Smoke

In our work, we spend a lot of time arguing for people’s rights. The right to be free from targeted advertising by the tobacco industry. The right to access cessation…

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

…and freedoms. These include, but are not limited to the right to life, the right to the highest attainable standard of health and the right to education. COP 3 No…

Parallel issues

…WHO Recommendations with a human rights framework, particularly the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In this analysis, the CRC provides the foundation for a child rights-based approach to…

Academic articles

right to health alongside several other rights that speak for covering tobacco control under human rights law. Articles Focused on Children’s Rights A Missing Voice: The Human Rights of Children…

Using Human Rights Arguments in Litigation

Some advocates have begun using human rights arguments in litigation against the tobacco industry. Below are several cases relevant to human rights, but this list is far from exhaustive of…

Tobacco and Human Rights Hub

rights problem as well. The marketing and sale of tobacco violate the right to health and life of people all around the world. ASH has been working to convince both…

A World Without Tobacco Deaths

…too young to know the reality of what his addiction would entail. He couldn’t give up smoking despite ongoing sickness, and unfortunately, his smoking addiction eventually took his life. All…