Endgame Training Course

INC-4 Day 6: UN Plastic Pollution Treaty Negotiations

ASH joins the Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance in attending the fourth Intergovernmental Negotiating Conference (INC-4) of the United Nations Treaty to End Plastic Pollution in Ottawa, Canada from April 23 – 29, 2024. ASH’s Chief Operating Officer Liz Furgurson and Policy Director Chris Bostic will share updates and progress here for our community to stay engaged and informed.

April 28, 2024 – INC4 returned to full plenary for the first time in several days in order to discuss the possibility of intercessional work. Given the state of the draft text, it seems impossible to finish at INC5 in the absence of work over the next few months.

– Switzerland included cigarette butts as a prime example of useless polluting plastics in a submission on dealing with various plastics and plastic products.

– ASH met with representatives of the Pacific Island Countries (PICS). Small islands are especially assaulted by plastic pollution, and PICS have committed significant resources to these negotiations.

Nearly every Party spoke at Plenary, the vast majority not only in favor of establishing two intercessional expert groups, but for participation by NGOs. The final decision will be made tomorrow before the INC closes.


Keep reading about ASH’s work on plastics pollution <Return to Day 5 Blog Advance to Synopsis Blog>