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Press Releases

Obama Goes to Bat for Big Tobacco in TPP

WASHINGTON, DC 19 August – The Obama Administration has backed down from a proposal revealed 15 months ago to protect health from Big Tobacco under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the pending free trade agreement with 11 other countries. New language concerning tobacco, the exact text of which has not been

WTO Decision Forces U.S. Hand on Menthol Cigarettes

U.S. will comply with WTO decision by moving to ban menthol additives   GENEVA, SWITZERLAND 24 July – Yesterday the U.S. laid out its plan to come into compliance with a WTO dispute settlement panel finding that the U.S. ban on clove cigarettes violated the trading rights of Indonesia. The

WHO Report Demonstrates Need for Higher Tobacco Taxes

Most effective measure is the most under-utilized WASHINGTON, DC. 10 July – A report released today by the World Health Organization concludes that tax and price measures are the “least-achieved” of a global menu of regulations to combat the growing tobacco epidemic, in spite of overwhelming evidence that higher tobacco

World No Tobacco Day 2013: Protecting Public Health Requires Global Effort

TOBACCO INDUSTRY RELENTLESSLY UNDERMINING ADVERTISING BANS WASHINGTON, DC. 30 May – The days of actors dressing up as doctors to promote cigarette brands may be long over, but if you think tobacco advertising has been effectively banned, think again. Slick ads in magazines, in stores and on the Internet still

New York City Tobacco Display Ban Will Save Lives

Yesterday, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg introduced a plan to ban the display of tobacco products at retail outlets in an effort to protect public health and to reduce the ability of the tobacco industry to market its deadly products, especially to children. This move is the latest in

Free Trade Agreement Ignores Global Tobacco Epidemic

Talks on a tobacco exception in a free trade agreement between the United States and ten other countries in the Asia-Pacific region – the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) – became the subject of many unanswered questions during the stakeholder briefing with chief negotiators at Sky City on Friday, 7 Dec

Big Tobacco Buys Big Political Influence

Money is doled out to both sides of the aisle The tobacco industry has always been a major player in congressional campaigns, but a new online map ( ash.org/map) shows just how pervasive tobacco money is in politics. The map, produced by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), allows you

Historic Plain Packaging Measure Highlights Need for Stronger Action in U.S.

Plain Packaging of Cigarettes Upheld by Australia’s Highest Court Historic Measure Highlights Need for Stronger Action in U.S. Yesterday, Australia’s highest court found against the tobacco industry and in favor of the government’s right to protect public health by upholding plain packaging for tobacco products. The new package requirements, which

ASH Launches New Website, Brand

WASHINGTON, DC (Aug. 10, 2012) Action on Smoking & Health (ASH), one of the nation’s oldest anti-tobacco organizations devoted to the tobacco related epidemic, has launched a new website and brand to reflect its new vision and mission. While ASH’s core work of combating the death and disease caused by

ASH to Attend National Conference on Tobacco or Health

WASHINGTON, DC (Aug. 7, 2012) Action on Smoking & Health (ASH) will address global health governance issues impacting the tobacco related epidemic at the National Conference on Tobacco or Health that opens in Kansas City, Wed Aug. 15. The Conference—held every 18 months—brings together researchers, advocates and regulatory officials from