WASHINGTON, DC (Aug. 10, 2012) Action on Smoking & Health (ASH), one of the nation’s oldest anti-tobacco organizations devoted to the tobacco related epidemic, has launched a new website and brand to reflect its new vision and mission. While ASH’s core work of combating the death and disease caused by tobacco remains unchanged, its methods are keeping pace with the nature of the epidemic—which has become global and is growing at an alarming rate.
“While smoking rates in the United States are lower than they have been in almost a century, the tobacco industry is wealthier than ever and has moved their marketing efforts into the developing world, cultivating new generations of customers and subjecting millions to addiction, disease and death, says Laurent Huber, executive director of ASH. “The tobacco epidemic is a global problem requiring a global solution.”
The website provides insight into how ASH is taking global action against tobacco, information on the epidemic and ways for members of the public to take action.
In addition to engaging the public to become involved in the global war on tobacco, the website provides detailed information on the organizations key program areas, that include: