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Vapors and Emotions Rise at Hearing on E-Cigarettes

A woman in a skintight dress lounged in the front row of the City Council chamber on Wednesday, sucking on an electronic cigarette and blowing out sweetly scented clouds, as if she were at a nightclub. Other people in the crowd of about 200 did the same, puffing on devices

Lancet Report: Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation

A new Lancet report on global health was just released, and it argues strongly for the implementation of tobacco control measures, especially increasing tobacco taxes. Titled Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation, the report argues “The returns on investing in health are impressive. Reductions in mortality account

NYC to hear both sides in e-cigarette regulation bill Wednesday

Electronic cigarettes have boomed in popularity over the last couple of years, according to the city’s health department, but plans to regulate the plastic sticks in the same fashion as their paper counterparts has set up a serious debate about the untested product. The City Council’s health committee is set

NYC officials eye electronic cigarette regulation

Electronic cigarettes have boomed in popularity over the last couple of years, according to New York City’s health department, but a plan to regulate the plastic devices in the same fashion as their paper counterparts has set up a debate about the untested products. The City Council’s health committee is

The Great American Smokeout: Pop culture’s (bad) influence on smokers

It’s been almost fifty years since the first Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health was released, confirming the statistical relationship of smoking to lung cancer and other serious diseases. Since then, smoking among adults has been reduced by half — yet tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of

Big Tobacco’s Pacific Trade-Pact Fight

Images of rotten teeth and cancerous lungs on cigarette packs in Australia have commanded much of the recent attention in the global war between health advocates and the tobacco industry. But next year a battle over a little-known trade treaty could discourage other nations from adopting tobacco controls as stringent

Ranking Members Warn of Dangers of E-Cigarette Advertising

Reps. Waxman, DeGette, and Pallone Renew Call for FDA Regulation of E-Cigarettes WASHINGTON, DC— Today Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman, Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Ranking Member Diana DeGette, and Health Subcommittee Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr., sent a letter to Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg warning that

NY to Raise Tobacco Buying Age to 21

Young New Yorkers who want to light up will soon have to wait for their 21st birthdays before they can buy a pack of smokes after lawmakers in the nation’s most populous city voted overwhelmingly to raise the tobacco-purchasing age from 18 to 21. The City Council’s vote Wednesday makes

US Reps. Waxman, Doggett, Capps and Over 50 Members Urge Administration to Strengthen Tobacco Proposal in TPP

33rd Congressional District of California Rep. Henry A. Waxman For Immediate Release: October 30, 2013 Karen Lightfoot (Waxman): (202) 225-5735 Doug Molof (Doggett): (202) 225-4865 Chris Meagher (Capps): (202) 225-3601 Reps. Waxman, Doggett, Capps, and Over 50 Members Urge Administration to Strengthen Tobacco Proposal for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement WASHINGTON,

It’s time to ban menthol cigarettes

Smoking may be under siege, but it is still the world’s second-biggest cause of preventable death. Tobacco kills nearly 6 million people every year, approximately 10 percent of all deaths. Smoking also results in hundreds of billions of dollars in economic costs from increased health care expenditure and lost productivity.

Will Obama Fast-Track the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

This week there has been discussions between leaders from the Pacific Rim over the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Bali, Indonesia at APEC. President Barack Obama has demanding a ‘trade promotion authority’ from the United States Congress to fast-track the Pacific Rim treaty, the Trans-Pacific Partnership.[1] The fast-track authority plays a pivotal

Letter to President Obama

State Legislators sent a joint letter to President Obama to urge U.S. Trade Policy to support State & Federal policies to reduce tobacco use and promote health. Read their full letter here. Joint Letter to President Obama  

Public Health Institute endorses tobacco carve-out out in TPP

PHI Letter to White House regarding Tobacco Control and the Trans-Pacific Partnership October 3, 2013 President Barack H. Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: I am writing on behalf of the Public Health Institute (PHI), a nonprofit that generates and promotes research,

MEPs tighten anti-tobacco laws aimed at young smokers

Euro MPs have voted to tighten tobacco regulations aimed at putting young people off smoking, but some measures do not go as far as originally planned. They rejected a European Commission proposal to treat electronic cigarettes as medicinal products – a move that would have restricted sales. They backed a

Obama No-Show a (Minor) Blow for Asia Trade Talks

President Barack Obama‘s absence from a meeting of leaders from Asia Pacific dealt a symbolic blow to efforts to forge a regional trade pact. But Mr. Obama’s no-show, due to the drama of debt-ceiling talks in Washington, has little practical effect on the trade talks. Before news of Mr. Obama’s

Snuffing out a tobacco exemption in Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal

Tobacco sickens and, eventually, can kill if consumed as intended. Every country, the United States included, should be taking every effective step to prevent smoking. The costs and benefits of free trade are clear, but, as recent presidents, Republican and Democratic, have recognized, the long-term gains to society outweigh the

Standardized tobacco pack complaints revived with World Trade Organization

Honduras is reviving its complaint to the World Trade Organization over Australia’s standardized tobacco packaging law, according to a story by Tom Miles for Reuters. The complaint, that Australia’s tobacco-packaging requirements create obstacles to world trade, had lain dormant, but now Honduras has asked for a WTO meeting on Sept.

Watch: ASH Director Discuss the CDC’s Graphic Tobacco Ad Campaign

ASH Director Laurent Huber appeared on Fox 5 DC to discuss the success of the CDC’s graphic anti-tobacco ad campaign (which helped nearly 100,000 people quit smoking) and the work that is still needed to help combat the global tobacco epidemic. DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG

How cigarette companies use free trade deals to sell more cigarettes to women and kids

Global trade negotiations in Washington this week will determine how cigarette companies will be able to market their products in developing nations—and potentially, overturn smoking restrictions around the world. As cigarette smoking has fallen in the United States and Europe thanks to public health laws and liability lawsuits, global tobacco

Scary anti-smoking ads prompt 100,000-plus to kick habit

An estimated 1.6 million Americans tried to quit and at least 100,000 likely succeeded as a result of graphic anti-smoking ads, a new study says. Want a smoker to quit? Scare, shock or disgust him. That’s what the U.S. government did with its first federally funded anti-smoking ad campaign and,

Stop TPP Protections for Big Tobacco

The U.S. has a rare opportunity this week to rein in the tobacco industry, and assert its mandate to protect and save lives, while proudly exercising cross-border diplomacy. The U.S. Trade Representative should accept a proposal to carve protections for Big Tobacco out of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), a

E-cigarette use doubles among teen students, CDC reports

E-cigarettes have been surging in popularity, and a new government study suggests this effect is trickling down to U.S. teens. Electronic cigarettes’ popularity and safety concerns on the rise New findings from a national survey on youth tobacco use showed that the percentage of middle and high school students using