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Day 2: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 29, 2022 – The highlight of today was a three-hour Multi-Stakeholder Forum. If that title sets off your radar, your radar is well-calibrated. The industries that have caused the plastic pollution problem were given the same platform and respect as civil society groups struggling to stop them. Some were

Day 1: UN Plastics Pollution Treaty Negotiations

November 28, 2022 – Greetings from Punta del Este. Today is an historic day in the history of environmental protection. At 10:00am local time, the first round of negotiations for the global plastics pollution treaty got under way. Whether it was a good day or a bad is to be

UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution

ASH is proud to be a founding and organizing member for the Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (STPA), a global coalition of 100 public health organizations who recognize the crucial intersection of tobacco control and environmental health. STPA will actively participate in the UN plastics treaty negotiations from November 2022 through

ASH Welcomes Protection from Flavored Tobacco Products in California

Media Contact: Megan Arendt-Manning manningm@ash.org (202) 659 – 4310 ASH Welcomes Protection from Flavored Tobacco Products in California WASHINGTON, DC – NOVEMBER 9, 2022 – Yesterday, Californians voted in favor of protecting our children from flavored tobacco products. After two years of delayed implementation because of tobacco industry interference, California

The Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (STPA)

The Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (STPA) is a global coalition of 100 public health organizations, listed below, who recognize the crucial intersection of tobacco control and environmental health. STPA will actively participate in the UN plastics treaty negotiations from November 2022 through 2024 and remain active to ensure strong implementation of

2021 Annual Report

In 2021, despite operating under the global COVID-19 pandemic, ASH implemented numerous programs to accomplish its Mission, “to advocate for innovative legal and policy measures to end the global tobacco epidemic.” Click here to read ASH’s 2021 Annual Report> ASH’s programs advanced health policy at the local, national, and global

Decades of Dedication: Dr. Alfred Munzer’s Career in Public Health

Media Contact:  Megan Arendt-Manning (202) 659 – 4310 Decades of Dedication: Dr. Alfred Munzer’s Career in Public Health New Video Commemorates Dr. Munzer’s Extensive Impact on Lung Health WASHINGTON, DC – OCTOBER 25, 2022 – After years of dedicated service as the Chair of the ASH Board of Trustees, Dr.

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Nearly every noun in the English language seems to get a day we’re supposed to note or even celebrate. There is a National Pumpkin Day (October 26) as well as a National Pumpkin Spice Day (October 1). Today, October 17th, is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. I

Perfection Versus Progress: Malaysia’s Generational End Game Bill

There are only two examples of the Tobacco-Free Generation (TFG) policy in the world – Balanga City, Philippines (the law is enjoined pending a tobacco industry lawsuit) and Brookline, Massachusetts (not enjoined but also being sued by the industry). This represents a population of around 160,000; not a terribly large

ASH at the Tobacco Industry Monitoring, Research and Accountability Course

Summer 2022 – ASH staff was fortunate enough to be accepted to participate in an extensive research course called “Tobacco Industry Monitoring, Research and Accountability” hosted by our partners at the Tobacco Control Research Group (TCRG) through the University of Bath, England. The team at TCRG are experts in investigative

2022 C. Everett Koop Unsung Hero Awarded to Dr. Carolyn Dresler

Media Contact: Megan (Arendt) Manning (202) 659 – 4310 2022 C. Everett Koop Unsung Hero Awarded to Dr. Carolyn Dresler RIDGEWAY, COLORADO – SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 – Today, the American Lung Association honored Dr. Carolyn Dresler with the 2022 C. Everett Koop Unsung Hero Award. Named after the 1980s U.S.

The Spanish Government Must Protect Health Over the Tobacco Industry

Media Contact: Megan Manning (202) 390-9513 The Spanish Government Must Protect Health Over the Tobacco Industry 127 Health and Civil Rights Associations Demand that No New Tobacconist Licenses be Granted nor Renewed MADRID, SPAIN – SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 – Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) joins the 127 health, civil

ASH’s Ongoing Work at CERD

September 2022 – This year, many people and organizations have focused their energy on social justice, and ASH is no exception. As you may know, this summer, ASH led 120 organizations in submitting a report to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). The United States was up

ASH at the UN Human Rights Council 50th Session

June 2022 – ASH staff had the opportunity to participate in the United Nations Human Rights Council 50th session, in Geneva, Switzerland. The Human Rights Council is an “inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for

ASH at NCTOH in New Orleans

Author: Alexa Arejian, ASH Project Assistant August 2022 – This year, the National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH) was hosted in New Orleans, Louisiana, for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic. NCTOH is one of the largest U.S. conferences for tobacco control professionals and focuses on best practice

The Importance of Cessation Following FDA Regulatory Momentum

Guest Author: Dr. Carolyn Dresler, ASH Volunteer The FDA has recently made several exciting announcements, proposing new rules and making decisions about tobacco products. For one, JUUL is to be removed from the market, but, unsurprisingly, the industry sued the next day for a ‘stay’. The FDA just closed a

120 Organizations Call on UN Committee to Recommend US Remove Menthol

120 Organizations Call on UN Committee to Recommend US Remove Menthol Tobacco Companies’ Marketing Tactics Violate Black Americans’ Right to be Free from Racial Discrimination Washington, DC – August 9, 2022 – Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATCLC), and the DC Tobacco-Free

Flavored Tobacco Products Entice Youth

Tobacco companies have long targeted youth with their products. Adding flavors to tobacco products plays a crucial role in youth and young adult use of tobacco products. Research shows that children and adolescents have more of a preference towards sweet flavors than adults. Nearly three-quarters — 72.7% — of young

ASH at ECTC in Greece

July 2022 – ASH staff attended the 7th ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control (ECTC) in Greece. This was a valuable opportunity to host a workshop, present on the environment, and host a panel on the tobacco endgame, while networking with partners from across Europe. Given that Greece has the

Environmental Disaster: Tobacco farming, production, use and disposal

Author: Maia Murphey, ASH Program and Communications Intern  From manufacture to consumption, tobacco products are not only a dangerous public health concern, but also an environmental concern. In addition to over 8 million human lives lost every year to the tobacco industry, we also lose 600 million trees, 200,000 hectares


Fighting tobacco product waste: Holding tobacco industry accountable for its environmental footprint June 2, 2022 – Tobacco control experts, including ASH’s Executive Director Laurent Huber, and environmental advocates from around the world join our roundtable discussion, hosted by the World Health Organization, the WHO FCTC Secretariat, and the UN Environment

Groundbreaking Tobacco Endgame Proposal from FDA on Reducing Nicotine in Cigarettes

Groundbreaking Tobacco Endgame Proposal from FDA on Reducing Nicotine in Cigarettes ASH Welcomes Biden Administration’s Announcement on Reducing Nicotine WASHINGTON, DC – June 22, 2022 – Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) applauds President Biden and FDA Commissioner Califf for beginning the process to reduce nicotine in cigarettes to non-addictive