Endgame Training Course

Update on ASH Executive Director and 2023 Progress

As of February 13, 2023, ASH Executive Director Laurent Huber, in consultation with the ASH Board of Trustees, began a medical leave of absence through November 2023.

The ASH Board of Trustees appointed Chief Operating Officer Liz Furgurson to serve as ASH’s Acting Executive Director during the period to ensure programmatic continuity and maintain ASH’s sound structure.

At this time, there is no change in ASH’s strategic plan, scope, or scheduled program of work for 2023 and beyond. Laurent has placed his trust in the excellent staff team during his absence and wholly anticipates his return when it is safe for him to do so. Please join the Board of Trustees and staff as we wish Laurent the absolute best and look forward to his swift return.

If you have any questions about ASH or how you can engage with us, please contact Liz Furgurson at furgursone@ash.org.