Endgame Training Course

Tobacco $ Free Schools

We are proud to certify the following colleges and universities “Free From Tobacco Money”

If you are an alumni, current student, or supporter of any of these schools, we encourage you to reach out and thank them for doing their part in the fight against tobacco.

And, we encourage schools that are not on this list to consider divestment as a way to fight the tobacco epidemic.

Read more via our Press Release or Blog.



Brown University @BrownUniversity
City University of New York @Cunynewswire
Columbia University @Columbia
Dartmouth College @Dartmouth
Earlham College @Earlham1847
Emory University Medical School @EmoryMedicine
Harvard University andHarvard School of Public Health @Harvard @HarvardHSPH
Haverford University @Haverfordedu
Johns Hopkins UniversityJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health @JohnsHopkins @JohnsHopkinsSPH
Lexington Theological Seminary @LexTheoSeminary
Louisiana State University andLSU Public Health @LSU
McCombs School of Business @UTexasMcCombs
Mt. Holyoke College @Mtholyoke
Northwestern University @NorthwesternU
Ohio State University School of Public Health @OSUPublicHealth
Pomona College @Pomonacollege
Santa Clara University @SantaClaraUniv
Smith College @Smithcollege
Stanford University @Stanford
Tufts University @TuftsUniversity
University of CaliforniaUniversity of California – Berkeley School of Public Health @UC_Newsroom @UCBerkeleySPH
University of Iowa @UIowa
University of Michigan @umich
University of North Carolina School of Public Health @UNCpublichealth
University of Notre Dame @NotreDame
University of Vermont @uvmvermont
University of Washington @UW
Wayne State University @Waynestate