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WHO Report Demonstrates Need for Higher Tobacco Taxes

Most effective measure is the most under-utilized WASHINGTON, DC. 10 July – A report released today by the World Health Organization concludes that tax and price measures are the “least-achieved” of a global menu of regulations to combat the growing tobacco epidemic, in spite of overwhelming evidence that higher tobacco

WHO FCTC: The Challenge of Implementation

By Al Munzer Chair, Board of Trustees, Action for Smoking and Health (ASH) The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) was developed in response to globalisation of the tobacco epidemic, and has been widely embraced by the world community. The FCTC now includes 176 parties, representing 88.6 percent of

Global Pact Adopted to Curb Illicit Tobacco Trade

SEOUL: More than 170 countries Monday adopted what World Health Organisation (WHO) chief Margaret Chan called a “game-changing” global pact to combat the illegal tobacco trade. The treaty envisages an international tracking system which aims to halt the smuggling and counterfeiting of tobacco products — a trade which accounts for

Tobacco Control: WHO Director-General Addresses History-Making Conference

Dr Margaret Chan Director-General of the World Health Organization Address to the Fifth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Seoul, Republic of Korea 12 November 2012 Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to address this fifth session of

What is the FCTC?

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the world’s first global public health treaty. It is also the first treaty negotiated under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and is one of the most widely adopted treaties in the United Nations system. The treaty entered into force

‘Smoking Will Kill Up to a Billion People’

Smoking, which is described as the biggestpublic health disaster in the history of the world with its perpetrators likened to terrorists, will kill up to a billion people worldwide this century unless governments across the world stamp down on the half-trillion-dollar tobaccoindustry, cancer experts have warned. John Seffrin, chief executive

FCA Video Highlights Tobacco Epidemic

A billion people will be killed by tobacco this century. It has been estimated that the tobacco industry makes approximately $6,000 for every death. This must stop! The tobacco treaty is among one of the best tools the world has today to prevent this senseless massacre that hurts the citizens

John Dalli Interview: Tobacco Products Directive is Dead

The John Dalli affair has had one significant casualty for the European consumer; the Tobacco Products Directive. Dalli came to New Europe’s Brussels HQ on the morning of October 19 for a followup interview by Alexandros Koronakis, challenging the findings of the OLAF investigation, and the discussing the serious impact

More Resources Needed to Decrease Tobacco Dependence Prevalence

In the decade since the adoption of the FCTC, we have seen significant progress in the area of tobacco control policies that have helped decrease smoking prevalence. We have also seen increased demand in cessation support, in the form of a short intervention by a health care provider, counselling, or

Plain Cigarette Packaging: Australia’s Victory

“We have taken on big tobacco… and we have won”, said Australia’s Attorney-General Nicola Roxon, hailing the judgement from Australia’s High Court that the country’s tobacco companies had failed in their challenge to the Australian Government’s plans to introduce plain packaging for all cigarettes from Dec 1, 2012. From this

Tobacco Treaty

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Action on Smoking and Health has been instrumental in the success of the global tobacco control treaty by supporting and serving as the secretariat for the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA) from 2000 – 2015. The FCA is a unique confederation of civil

NCD Action Plan

WHO has posted a discussion paper on the development of its NCD Action Plan 2013-20 https://who.int/nmh/events/2012/ncd_action_plan/en/index.html The document states that The UN Task Team on the Post-2015 Development Agenda recognized in its report that MDGs did not adequately address the increase of NCDs and it also states that Overseas Development

UGANDA: BAT Campaign Smothering Tobacco Law

(The Independent) Uganda is out of step with other East African countries such as Tanzania and Kenya which have enacted tobacco control law. Any avid reader of the print media in the past few months will have noticed a sustained campaign against the proposed Tobacco Control Bill 2011, perpetrated by

What are E-cigarettes? Are they harmful? What is ASH doing about them?

An e-cigarette is a device that uses electricity from a small battery to vaporize a tobacco-containing solution, producing a vapor that is inhaled. The vapor includes nicotine, the addictive chemical found in other tobacco products, and the e-cigarette is designed to look like a cigarette. While e-cigarette manufacturers claim that

WHO: World No Tobacco Day – MAY 31, 2012

(31, May 2012) This year’s theme for World No Tobacco Day is “Tobacco Industry Interference”. The focus is on the need to expose and counter the tobacco industry’s attempts to undermine global tobacco control efforts. For more information please visit the WHO website.


On May 8-9 I attended in Brasilia, Brazil, the first working meeting of the Pan American Forum for Action on Noncommunicable Diseases (PAFNCD), an initiative of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) that confronts the Noncommunicable (NCD) epidemic in the Americas by mobilizing different interest groups to prevent

Costing Tools

Tobacco use has been determined to be very costly to society as you can see in this Harvard- World Economic Forum publication. According to a recent American Cancer Society and World Lung Foundation report the annual economic burden of tobacco related illnesses exceeds total annual health expenditures in low and