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Protect Our Environment

Donate Our Environment Must be Protected from Tobacco Product Waste New Report from 3 Organizations Highlights European Union, French, and American Progress WASHINGTON, DC – MAY 25, 2022 – Tobacco Product Waste is a completely preventable and controllable environmental disaster. With natural resources being depleted and climate change accelerating, governments

Tobacco and the Environment

Cigarettes are most commonly categorized as a health problem, but they are a huge environmental problem as well. The entire life cycle of a cigarette has an impact on the environment – from growing the tobacco to throwing away the butt and beyond. Tobacco growth and cultivation causes deforestation. Trees

For an Earth Free of Tobacco Waste

By Yogi Hale Hendlin, PhD, Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, UCSF We all know tobacco kills. But few stop to consider how tobacco also kills the planet.  Especially as it serves no social or nutritional purpose, we should think twice about the environmental impacts of the farming, manufacturing,

Hold the Tobacco Industry Responsible for Harming our Global Environment

By Clif Curtis For decades now, with cigarette sales having increased to more than six trillion in 2016, tobacco producers have refused to accept any significant responsibility for the serious, global environmental damage resulting from the production, use and disposal of tobacco products. It’s time for new regulations that hold

ASH Environmental Webinar Recap

When we think of tobacco, a lot of health issues immediately spring to mind – lung cancer, throat cancer, cardiovascular disease, tooth decay, asthma. But tobacco products also wreak havoc on our environment, a problem that is often overlooked. Tobacco is harmful to the environment throughout the product cycle –

Earth Day 2016

The harmful impacts of smoking go well beyond each individual smoker. Cigarettes have a negative impact on the environment throughout their entire life cycle – from growing the tobacco to disposing of the butts. ASH blogs have highlighted several of the environmental harms of tobacco, including cigarette butt pollution. In