Endgame Training Course

universal periodic review

ENSP Publication

Tobacco control in the United States: Failure to protect the right to health

ASH published an editorial in Tobacco Prevention and Cessation, the official journal of ENSP, the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention. The editorial was co-signed by: African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, Corporate Accountability International, Austrian Council on Smoking and Health, Centro de Investigacion para la Epidemia del Tabaquismo

Learning resources

ASH Human Rights Resource Guide ASH put together this resource as a guide for advocates that would like to get involved in human rights reporting at the national level. It provides an overview of how to report to human rights treaty bodies and the Universal Periodic Review ASH Resource Guide

The Human Rights Council and Universal Periodic Review

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is a United Nations (UN) body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world. While there have been a limited number of resolutions that are directly relevant to tobacco control, there are many others that could support a human rights based