Endgame Training Course

Tobacco Products

The Hidden Subsidy for the Tobacco Industry

Tobacco products are by far the biggest health scourge of the last 100 years, killing 100 million people in the 20th century and on track to kill 1 billion this century. In the U.S., tobacco will kill about 480,000 people this year, far more than AIDS, cocaine, heroin, alcohol, vehicular

In a first, Mass. town may prohibit tobacco sales

The Central Massachusetts town of Westminster would become the first community in the state, and perhaps the nation, to ban all tobacco sales under a proposal made public Monday that regulators say is designed to improve health, especially among the young. Draft regulations posted on the town’s website would prohibit

John Dalli Interview: Tobacco Products Directive is Dead

The John Dalli affair has had one significant casualty for the European consumer; the Tobacco Products Directive. Dalli came to New Europe’s Brussels HQ on the morning of October 19 for a followup interview by Alexandros Koronakis, challenging the findings of the OLAF investigation, and the discussing the serious impact