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Tobacco Ads

HBO Vice: Tobaccoland

ASH Review: Second Quarter Edition 2013 ASH Deputy Director for Policy Chris Bostic was featured in the HBO Vice program Tobaccoland which aired on May 17th, 2013. The program explores the overwhelming prevalence of the tobacco industry and tobacco use in Indonesia where it is virtually unregulated. More than half

World No Tobacco Day 2013: Protecting Public Health Requires Global Effort

TOBACCO INDUSTRY RELENTLESSLY UNDERMINING ADVERTISING BANS WASHINGTON, DC. 30 May – The days of actors dressing up as doctors to promote cigarette brands may be long over, but if you think tobacco advertising has been effectively banned, think again. Slick ads in magazines, in stores and on the Internet still

Smokers Left Gagging by Not-So-Plain Cigarette Packets

TOOWOOMBA’S smokers have been left gagging as new not-so-plain cigarette packets start to filter into stores. A packet of Winfield Blues is no longer the colour its name would suggest – instead a sickly looking olive green sets the ailing backdrop for photos of health-plagued smokers in various states of

Russia Smoking Ban Bars Tobacco Ads And Public Smoking

MOSCOW — Russia’s government has OKed a bill that would ban smoking in public and tobacco ads. The government on Thursday approved a landmark deal that would crack down on smoking in a country where 44 million people, or 40 percent of adults, light up. The approval of the bill,

CDC Studying Anti-Smoking Ad Outcome

The CDC is trying to find out how well a $54 million campaign of emotional ads to scare smokers into quitting worked, researchers said. During the 3 months that the ads aired on TV, radio, and social media, calls to a national quit line more than doubled and hits on