Endgame Training Course


Let’s Get Rid of Cigarettes

A World Where Cigarettes are No Longer Sold for Profit is Within Reach Contact: Megan Arendt, (202) 659 – 4310 WASHINGTON, DC – DECEMBER 6, 2017 – Cigarettes are the only consumer good that kills when used as their manufacturer intends. This has become normal in our society, but it shouldn’t

95 Health Groups to Philip Morris International: Stop Selling Cigarettes

WASHINGTON, D.C. – SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 – Today, 95 organizations from around the globe published an open letter to Philip Morris International (PMI) demanding that they immediately cease the production, marketing and sale of cigarettes. The move was prompted by a similar recommendation from the Danish Institute for Human Rights,

Open Letter to PMI from 123 Organizations

September 14, 2017 André Calantzopoulos Chief Executive Officer Philip Morris International Avenue de Rhodanie 50 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland   Dear Mr. Calantzopoulos, The undersigned organizations, representing global health, human rights, consumer protection, medical and other organizations, call on you to immediately cease the production, marketing and sale of cigarettes. This

Project Sunset

Phase Out the Commercial Sale of Cigarettes

Project Sunset is an ASH-led global campaign to convince policy makers to phase out the sale of commercial combustible tobacco products. It is focused entirely on the sale, not individual possession or use. The campaign includes efforts to address the social, political, and structural factors that sustain the smoking epidemic,

Statement from ASH Executive Director Laurent Huber on a Tobacco-Free World

That’s our vision at ASH, a tobacco-free world. This year marks ASH’s 50th anniversary, and we are as committed as ever to end the tobacco epidemic. With your help, we can achieve this vision. Here’s how we’ll do it: • Hold the tobacco industry, including corporate executives, accountable for the

Tobacco 21: Campaign Case Study

This case study is intended as a teaching device for municipalities that are just getting started or have already begun working to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products to 21. Read the Case Study here>   Local Law No. “C” for 2016 A local law of the county

Thailand Raises Minimum Age to 20 to Purchase Cigarettes

BANGKOK, 28 May 2014 (NNT) – The Cabinet on Wednesday approved the tobacco draft act which prohibits sale of cigarettes to those under 20 years old and raise punishment for offenders. Deputy Prime Minister YongyutnYuthawong said the draft act increased the minimum legal age for cigarette purchase from 18 to

Tobacco sale ban for US campus shops

One of the world’s top universities is taking a smoking ban a step further this week, as Stanford University prohibits the sale of tobacco as well as smoking on campus. Campus shops at the Californian university will have to end the sale of all tobacco products from 1 March. Parts

In a first, Mass. town may prohibit tobacco sales

The Central Massachusetts town of Westminster would become the first community in the state, and perhaps the nation, to ban all tobacco sales under a proposal made public Monday that regulators say is designed to improve health, especially among the young. Draft regulations posted on the town’s website would prohibit

The Case for Banning Cigarettes Entirely, Forever

Doctors in the U.K. will vote on Tuesday as to whether to support a “campaign to ban forever the sale of cigarettes to any individual born after the year 2000.” It’s an appealing thought exercise for public health types: Smoking rates declined steadily in the late 20th century as the