Endgame Training Course


A human rights approach to tobacco control

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the world. A human rights approach to ending tobacco is unique because it implores or requires governments to protect their citizens by implementing tobacco control laws and strategies to end the tobacco epidemic based on legally-binding human rights norms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN0Y9L-JhiM

Tobacco Production, Marketing Violate Basic Human Rights

Action on Smoking and Health and Unfairtobacco agree with the Danish Institute of Human Rights (DIHR) that Philip Morris International (PMI) should cease “the production and marketing of tobacco.” Read the sign-on letter to PMI that followed this announcement, where 123 organizations in 40+ countries call on Philip Morris International to immediately cease

PMI Befriends Human Rights Org

Read the Press Release that followed this campaign. Read the sign-on letter to PMI that followed that press release, where 123 organizations in 40+ countries call on Philip Morris International to immediately cease all marketing and production of cigarettes to adhere to human rights norms. Read the reply from PMI which shows they have no