Endgame Training Course


June 2016: Matching Campaign

Help ASH participate in the 7th round of the tobacco treaty negotiations in India this November. Every donation made from June 1 – 30, 2016 will be matched by a private donor, up to $2,000. Building on our policy successes at the preceding 6 global negotiation sessions for the Framework

McConnell warns Obama against tobacco carve-out in trade deal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is warning U.S. officials negotiating a massive trans-Pacific trade agreement for President Obama not to target tobacco growers in a final deal. McConnell said singling out the tobacco industry would set a dangerous precedent for future trade deals, in a letter to Obama’s top

On Our Way to Achieving the “Impossible”

When ASH first began its post-2015 UN development agenda campaign in 2013, it was perceived as nearly impossible to integrate tobacco control into the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), let alone the Financing for Development (FfD) process. At this point, we are on our way to checking both items off


Click here to read the report   Policy Papers ASH works hard to inform and educate policy makers and the public about tobacco prevention and the tobacco industry. A number of informative policy papers and reports produced by ASH and the Framework Convention Alliance are found here> Additional Resources Case Studies

“We Have an Opportunity to Change History”

“Health must become a priority. The time is now,” said global tobacco control advocates in the Framework Convention Alliance video. They emphasize the importance of this year, 2015, and that leaders must raise their ambitions for humanity. They also encourage the general public to stand up and speak out. The

World No Tobacco Day 2014: What makes tobacco different?

Annually, the tobacco industry contributes over $1.6 million to federal candidates and spends approximately $16.6 million lobbying Congress. This money buys the tobacco industry access to government officials and influence over laws. This is a serious problem, because, there is a fundamental and irreconcilable conflict between the tobacco industry’s interests

Privacy Policy

Action on Smoking and Health’s website is owned and operated by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). This Privacy Policy states ASH’s policy with regard to the personal information you provide. ASH is committed to ensuring the privacy of users who visit our website. In the course of providing these

Privacy Policy

Action on Smoking and Health’s website is owned and operated by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). This Privacy Policy states ASH’s policy with regard to the personal information you provide. ASH is committed to ensuring the privacy of users who visit our website. In the course of providing these


h How can you remove tobacco from trade treaties without harming trade for useful products? h h h h When has the tobacco industry sued a country for trying to protect their citizens’ health? h What makes it irreconcilable? h How many people have died since tobacco started benefiting from