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Empower Women, End Tobacco Exploitation

Media Contact: Megan Manning manningm@ash.org Press Release Below The tobacco industry is relentlessly targeting women worldwide, using advertisements that portray smoking as glamorous and sexy. But the truth is far darker: tobacco kills millions, and these aggressive marketing tactics violate women’s human rights. We Are Taking Action. Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)

Renewed Momentum on Tobacco Endgame

Stoneham and Wakefield become the second and third towns in Massachusetts to pass Nicotine-Free Generation In February 2024, the quest to end the tobacco epidemic suffered a blow when the new government in New Zealand rescinded their world-beating endgame law. But before the doors closed, the endgame horse had already

New Zealand Plans to Gut Public Health Policies on Tobacco Sales

New Zealand Plans to Gut Public Health Policies on Tobacco Sales Statement from Laurent Huber, Executive Director, Action on Smoking and Health November 29, 2023 Last week, New Zealand led the way in ending the tobacco epidemic with the most progressive and hard-hitting tobacco policies in the world. This Monday,

End of 2022 Message from ASH Executive Director Laurent Huber

The year 2022 has seen incredible milestones when it comes to taking measures to protect our collective right to health and right to a healthy environment from the harms caused by the tobacco industry. When we talk about “human rights,” we talk about the rights that have been recognized at

A Global First: New Zealand Passes Tobacco Endgame Bill Package

A Global First: New Zealand Passes Tobacco Endgame Bill Package Changing the Course of the Tobacco Epidemic for the World Media Contact: Megan Manning (202) 390-9513 WASHINGTON, DC – DECEMBER 13, 2022 – Today, the New Zealand Parliament adopted the strongest anti-tobacco law in world history. Once implemented, the Smokefree

ASH at ECTC in Greece

July 2022 – ASH staff attended the 7th ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control (ECTC) in Greece. This was a valuable opportunity to host a workshop, present on the environment, and host a panel on the tobacco endgame, while networking with partners from across Europe. Given that Greece has the

Reporter Guide: Tobacco Endgame Policies

With several tobacco endgame (Project Sunset) policies be explored and implemented around the world, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) produced a guide for reporters on the key elements and distinctions of these policies. For any additional questions, contact Megan Arendt, ASH Associate Director of Communications. For more information on

Tobacco plain packaging likely to be law in New Zealand by end of year

A law that would force tobacco companies to wrap their cigarettes in plain packaging could be in action by the end of the year. Prime Minister John Key has confirmed a bill, on pause partway through the parliamentary process, would be resumed and he expected it to become law “sooner

Good news from our friends in the UK

ASH (UK) news release: France commits to go ahead with standardised ‘plain’ cigarette packs as Big Tobacco’s UK legal challenge draws to a close The tobacco industry’s challenge to the UK’s standardised tobacco packaging regulations is drawing to a close today and a ruling is expected to be made by

Amos Hausner | Smokefree Israel

Hear this interview from Amos Hausner who is involved in the Smokefree kaupapa in Israel. He’s currently in Aotearoa and spoke with Dale Husband. Listen here>

Plain Packaging for Tobacco Will Become the Global Norm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Megan Arendt Office: 202-659-4310 Email: arendtm@ash.org PLAIN PACKAGING FOR TOBACCO WILL BECOME THE GLOBAL NORM But will the U.S. be last? WASHINGTON, D.C. – March 12, 2015 – Yesterday, Britain’s House of Commons overwhelmingly approved a law requiring plain packaging for tobacco products, just one day

New Zealand’s Proposed Plain Packaging

The discussion about New Zealand’s proposed law on plain packaging for cigarettes and other tobacco products, largely followed the earlier debates on Australia’s law. New Zealand notified its intention to introduce the legislation in documentG/TBT/N/NZL/62, which includes a link to its health ministry for further information. The proposal was agreed