Endgame Training Course


Social Media

Below are images and videos for use on social media. Please use them to share your support for addressing tobacco control through a human rights lens by posting these resources and tagging ASH on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @ASHorg and on Facebook @ASHglobalAction. Also, consider using the hashtags #TobaccoViolation and #HumanRights to share the message with a broader audience.    Images

On Twitter, e-cigarette ads spread like secondhand smoke

Several states have enacted laws limiting where e-cigarettes can be used — after citing public health concerns — but as no federal law has been created to curtail e-cigarette advertising, companies are resorting to tactics employed by the heyday of the Marlboro Man. But this time, their message is wafting

Press Kit

ASH is an expert source of information for journalists working on stories related to the tobacco industry and the global health epidemic caused by tobacco.   To request an interview, please contact Megan at (202) 659 - 4310 or via media@ash.org.   Download ASH Reporter Guide to Covering Tobacco Endgame