Endgame Training Course


Trade deals must not undermine fight against tobacco

Australian expertise in tobacco control is helping save lives around the world, but that work could be undone. Every day, 5500 children in India start using tobacco. If they continue the habit, as many do, the illnesses brought about by tobacco addiction will kill about half of them. In the

Smoking Greater Health Threat Than HIV for LGBT Community

Quick—what’s the biggest health risk for gay men? No, it’s not AIDS. And no, it’s not being clubbed by a horde of knuckle-dragging, tobacco-juice-chin-dribbling, conservative troglodytes. Good guess, but the correct answer is smoking. The latest Center for Disease Control (CDC) statistics show that 20.5 percent of heterosexuals and 30.8

Live at the UN: Event Promotes Tobacco Control in Post-2015 Development Agenda

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)—which range from halving extreme poverty rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS—form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and leading development institutions. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world’s poorest. The UN is now working