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Smoked meat is NOT as dangerous as smoked tobacco

Most regular readers of the ASH blog will have heard the news from the World Health Organization (WHO) that smoked and preserved meats are now known carcinogens. Far too many news outlets, eager to sensationalize, have announced this news with headlines such as: Bacon, ham and sausages ‘as big a


Click here to read the report   Policy Papers ASH works hard to inform and educate policy makers and the public about tobacco prevention and the tobacco industry. A number of informative policy papers and reports produced by ASH and the Framework Convention Alliance are found here> Additional Resources Case Studies

A Half Century of Avoidable Death

A Global Perspective on Tobacco in America   Tobacco is the number one cause of preventable death, and while significant progress has been made, international examples help to illustrate steps that could be taken by the United States to curb this epidemic. “Avoidable Death” considers U.S. tobacco control activities with

Write to Ambassador Samantha Power

If you think tobacco control is an important issue and should be included in the post-2015 development agenda, use this template letter to send to US Ambassador Samantha Power. The letter explains the advantages of implementing tobacco control measures in order to achieve sustainable development. You can send this letter

WHO Report Demonstrates Need for Higher Tobacco Taxes

Most effective measure is the most under-utilized WASHINGTON, DC. 10 July – A report released today by the World Health Organization concludes that tax and price measures are the “least-achieved” of a global menu of regulations to combat the growing tobacco epidemic, in spite of overwhelming evidence that higher tobacco

66th World Health Assembly (WHA)

ASH Review: Second Quarter Edition 2013   ASH is pleased to report that the world made good progress at the recent meeting of health ministers from around the globe (The 66th World Health Assembly or WHA). The 66th WHA adopted a Global Action Plan and agreed to a set of

Global Development

Tobacco is an economic threat to individuals, countries and the world. Tobacco use is a major driver of poverty, depriving the world of between 1-2% of its GDP annually. Tobacco use is higher among the poor. Their addiction to nicotine drives them to spend a relatively large proportion of their

What We Do

ASH takes action against the tobacco epidemic on a global scale. The tobacco industry does not limit itself to a geographic area, and neither can we. Our goal is to see U.S. tobacco control through a global lens, and to see global tobacco control through a U.S. lens. Click on