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FDA Menthol Ban

ASH Comment to FDA on Menthol

ASH submitted our comment to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on June 6, 2022, asking them to remove menthol from tobacco products. Read ASH’s comment here> This comment is submitted in response to the FDA’s proposed rule on menthol that was announced following our joint lawsuit with AATCLC, AMA,

Statement on FDA’s Proposed Rule Banning Menthol as a Characterizing Flavor

Media Contact: Megan Arendt 202-390-9513 Statement on FDA’s Proposed Rule Banning Menthol as a Characterizing Flavor Statement of Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy, Managing Attorney at Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) WASHINGTON, DC – April 28, 2022 – Today, Action on Smoking and Health is thrilled to celebrate the news that the Food

Menthols on ground

Support For U.S. FDA’s Menthol Ban

There is vast global support for the U.S. to ban menthol cigarettes, as several countries have already done. The University of Bath’s Tobacco Tactics website lists all the other countries that have banned menthol and when. Statements Issued in Support of the FDA’s April 29, 2021 Announcement Congressional Black Caucus: