Endgame Training Course

Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act

The New York Times Should Not Promote a Cigarette Brand, in 2023

On August 24, 2023, The New York Times Style section published an article – “A Viral Cigarette Brand? In 2023?” – about a cigarette startup company using social media to spread its message. The article was so glowing that the company thanked them publicly. We won’t want to use the

Stamped complaint

ASH & AATCLC File Lawsuit Against FDA

This press release was re-issued on September 3rd and December 3rd, 2020 with the addition of the American Medical Association (AMA) and National Medical Association (NMA) as a co-plantiffs. See the latest news release here.   THE AFRICAN AMERICAN TOBACCO CONTROL LEADERSHIP COUNCIL (AATCLC) AND ACTION ON SMOKING AND HEALTH

Deciphering FDA and Menthol

A few weeks ago, you may have seen some press about an “Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” from the Food and Drug Administration regarding menthol cigarettes. In government-speak, this means that the FDA intends to regulate menthol additives in cigarettes and is giving the public a chance to chime in.