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European Policymakers Support Cigarette Filter Ban: A Welcome Trend

In the last week, government agencies in two countries – the Netherlands and Belgium – have recommended a complete ban on the sale of cigarette filters. First, congratulations to our colleagues for their work in pushing this and supplying research. This could not have happened in a vacuum. Second, congratulations

The Netherlands presents plan to reduce tobacco retail outlets

Guest Blog Author: Daniëlle Arnold, Policy Advisor Health Funds for a Smokefree Netherlands (previously the Dutch Alliance for a Smokefree Society)   On Friday, November 20, 2020, the Dutch government announced a plan to significantly reduce the number of tobacco retail outlets in the country. This policy plan builds upon


ASH Statement: Dutch Parliament Moves to Drastically Reduce Tobacco Sales

Statement from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Dutch Parliament Moves to Drastically Reduce Tobacco Sales Contact: Megan Arendt arendtm@ash.org (202) 659-4310 THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS – MARCH 3, 2020 – Earlier today, the Dutch House of Representatives passed a bill designed to significantly reduce the number of retail outlets for

Update: Dutch Criminal Case Against Tobacco Industry

In September 2016, lawyer Benedicte Ficq filed a criminal case with the Dutch Public Prosecutor, alleging that four tobacco manufacturers were guilty of attempted murder, manslaughter, premeditated attempts to cause grievous bodily harm, premeditated attempts to cause damage to health and fraud. Over the course of the next two years,

Action Review: Fourth Quarter Edition 2018

How the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights impacts tobacco For the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), ASH Deputy Director for Policy Chris Bostic and Staff Attorney Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy chat about the UDHR’s significance and role in tobacco control.   ASH News

The Dutch Criminal Case: We’ve lost a battle, but not the war

One of ASH’s programs seeks to hold tobacco corporations and executives criminally responsible for the deaths and disease caused by their products. To that end, we work with organizations around the world who are trying to convince a prosecutor to open a criminal case in their home country. Our partners in

Dutch Prosecutor Rejects Tobacco Criminal Case; Many Arguments for Appeal Exist

Statement of Laurent Huber, Executive Director of Action on Smoking and Health WASHINGTON, DC – FEBRUARY 22, 2018 – We are disappointed in the Dutch Public Prosecution Service’s (DPPS) decision not to file criminal charges against the tobacco industry. We congratulate the efforts of our colleagues at Sick of Smoking, 

Dutch lawyer starts criminal case against tobacco firms

A Dutch lawyer and lung cancer patient are planning to take tobacco companies to court for for producing cigarettes designed to turn people into addicts as quickly as possible. Lawyer Benedicte Ficq and cancer victim Anne Marie van Veen are putting together a criminal case against cigarette producers, arguing that

Huge progress made thanks to court case against Dutch State

Dutch government draws up rules for contacts with tobacco industry via Youth Smoking Prevention Foundation Amsterdam, 9 November 2015 – The court in The Hague ruled against the Youth Smoking Prevention Foundation today in the case against the Dutch State over illegal contacts of the government with the tobacco industry