Endgame Training Course


Empower Women, End Tobacco Exploitation in Luxembourg

The tobacco industry is relentlessly targeting women in Luxembourg, using advertisements that portray smoking as glamorous and sexy. But the truth is far darker: tobacco kills millions, and these aggressive marketing tactics violate women’s human rights. We Are Taking Action. Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), Fondation Cancer, and Génération

A Human Rights-Based Approach to Tobacco

All of ASH’s programs are based on the foundational concept that tobacco violates the right to health of all people. We take a human rights-based approach to tobacco control. Our liability program focuses on utilizing the courts and legal systems to protect the right to health from the harms of

Empower Women, End Tobacco Exploitation

Media Contact: Megan Manning manningm@ash.org Press Release Below The tobacco industry is relentlessly targeting women worldwide, using advertisements that portray smoking as glamorous and sexy. But the truth is far darker: tobacco kills millions, and these aggressive marketing tactics violate women’s human rights. We Are Taking Action. Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)

Protecting Women’s Rights | International Women’s Day

Reproductive rights. Protection from gender-based violence. Maternity leave. Workplace discrimination.  These are the topics that usually come to mind when one thinks about women’s rights. But one important protection is often left off of the list – tobacco control. Tobacco negatively impacts women in myriad ways. A few examples include:

Tobacco Products Violate the Human Rights of Women and Girls in France

Tobacco Products Violate the Human Rights of Women and Girls in France 53 Organizations call on The UN Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) to make recommendations for France to protect the right to health of women and girls PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 16,

Laurent in Tokyo

ASH’s Human Rights Work in Japan

ASH has been working tirelessly to use human rights tools to advance health around the world. Recently, we were invited to bring this work to Japan. While Japan joined the global tobacco treaty (the WHO Framework Conventional on Tobacco Control) in 2004, it is failing to adequately protect the health

Parallel issues

There are numerous other issues that provide legal or political precedent that can be applied to tobacco and human rights. Environment Environmental Issues that are Indirectly Relevant to Tobacco Climate Litigation against Companies: An Overview of Legal Arguments 2018- The Business and Human Rights Resource Center tracked 14 climate lawsuits

Human Rights Day 2016

December 10th is recognized worldwide as Human Rights Day. It commemorates the anniversary of the day that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. The UDHR and other human rights treaties, both international and regional, protect myriad rights around the world, including