Endgame Training Course


WHO flags

Leaving the World Health Organization is Bad for Public Health

Leaving the World Health Organization is Bad for Public Health Media Contact: Megan Manning manningm@ash.org (202) 659-4310 WASHINGTON, DC – January 21, 2025 – Less than a day into his second term, President Trump began the process to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO). During his first

2024 Reflection from ASH Executive Director Laurent Huber

The magnitude of the tobacco problem is extremely obvious, and the solutions to address this problem should be simple. The health harm is clear: tobacco is responsible for more than 8 million deaths per year. The environmental impact is also significant as every year the tobacco industry costs the world

World Tobacco Report 2024

Tobacco Companies Violate Children’s Human Rights

Media Contact: Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy (202) 659 – 4310 Tobacco Companies Violate Children’s Human Rights New Report Released from ASH, Unfairtobacco to Highlight the Rights Being Violated and How to Act in honor of World No Tobacco Day 2024 WASHINGTON, DC – MAY 21, 2024 – Action on Smoking and Health

Biden Administration Bows to Tobacco Industry with New Delay on Menthol Cigarette Ban

Biden Administration Bows to Tobacco Industry with New Delay on Menthol Cigarette Ban After a 15-year delay, Co-Plaintiffs who sued FDA for inaction call for immediate protection from addictive and deadly mentholated tobacco products  WASHINGTON, DC – APRIL 26, 2024 – Today, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra announced

2022 Annual Report Released

After planting an apple tree, it will be years before you get an actual apple. But it is very satisfying when you do, and that first apple will taste all the sweeter because you planted it. ASH and our supporters planted a seed over five years ago when we launched

2021 Annual Report

In 2021, despite operating under the global COVID-19 pandemic, ASH implemented numerous programs to accomplish its Mission, “to advocate for innovative legal and policy measures to end the global tobacco epidemic.” Click here to read ASH’s 2021 Annual Report> ASH’s programs advanced health policy at the local, national, and global

ASH Thanks Outgoing Board Chair and Welcomes Incoming Board Chair

Media Contact: Megan Arendt (202) 659 – 4310 ASH Thanks Outgoing Board Chair and Welcomes Incoming Board Chair A decade of impact and the hope of more progress to come WASHINGTON, DC – FEBRUARY 17, 2022 – Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) extends our deepest gratitude to Dr. Alfred

Additional Resources

Below are links to pages containing additional information and useful resources on Tobacco and Human Rights Learning Resources This page contains tools to assist advocates in becoming more well-versed in the area of human rights. Some resources include a guide to human rights reporting and a memo on engaging in

Learning resources

ASH Human Rights Resource Guide ASH put together this resource as a guide for advocates that would like to get involved in human rights reporting at the national level. It provides an overview of how to report to human rights treaty bodies and the Universal Periodic Review ASH Resource Guide

Global Mechanisms – The United Nations

This global mechanisms section encompasses official documents including resolutions, statements, letters, and more that pertain to tobacco control and human rights at the international level, but do not fall under a human rights treaty body. UN Statements, Resolutions and Declarations Relevant to Tobacco Control and Human Rights UN Statements on

Tobacco and Human Rights Basics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv-5fFAGEVA ASH Human Rights Resource Guide ASH put together this resource as a guide for advocates that would like to get involved in human rights reporting at the national level. It provides an overview of how to report to human rights treaty bodies and the Universal Periodic Review ASH Resource

Action Review: Fourth Quarter Edition 2018

How the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights impacts tobacco For the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), ASH Deputy Director for Policy Chris Bostic and Staff Attorney Kelsey Romeo-Stuppy chat about the UDHR’s significance and role in tobacco control.   ASH News

Action Review: Third Quarter Edition 2018

Over 100 Towns in Sri Lanka Stop Cigarette Sales Over 100 towns across Sri Lanka have boycotted the sale of cigarettes with an aim to discourage smoking and making Sri Lanka a tobacco-free nation, the Health Ministry said. Read the full article. Read more about ASH’s program to phase out

Cape Town Declaration on Human Rights and a Tobacco-free World

To sign on, email your organization's name and logo to HQ@ash.org. Individuals can sign on here. See some photos from our WCTOH declaration photo booth here. Read Press Release here. Read Declarations from the 16th WCTOH in Abu Dhabi, UAE in 2015> En Español | En Français Read the PDF Cape Town Declaration

ASH: The Big Picture

2017 has been a very exciting year at ASH. We celebrated our 50th anniversary, announced our pivot away from “tobacco control” and towards “cigarette free” and earned numerous victories across each of our programs. As we begin looking forward into 2018 and beyond, we want to share with you how

FINALLY! Corrective Ads Published!

**UPDATE 3** – Beginning on November 26, 2017 the public will begin seeing long-awaited “corrective statements” by the tobacco industry on television and in newspapers. The major U.S. tobacco companies were ordered by the court to issue these ads because those companies had “deliberately deceived” the American public about topics

Report on 50 Years

Contact: Megan Arendt (202) 659 – 4310 arendtm@ash.org A Future with ZERO Tobacco Deaths ASH Releases Report on 50 Years of Fighting WASHINGTON, DC – OCTOBER 26, 2017 – To commemorate 50 years since its formation, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) released a brief report, Action on Smoking and

Open Letter to PMI from 123 Organizations

September 14, 2017 André Calantzopoulos Chief Executive Officer Philip Morris International Avenue de Rhodanie 50 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland   Dear Mr. Calantzopoulos, The undersigned organizations, representing global health, human rights, consumer protection, medical and other organizations, call on you to immediately cease the production, marketing and sale of cigarettes. This

Action Review: Second Quarter Edition 2017

ASH hosted a legal expert group in Geneva For the first time, an international meeting was held to spread knowledge between the U.S., our colleagues in the Netherlands, and 16 other countries on criminal liability for tobacco executives. Stay tuned for more updates and output from the meeting as they

2016 Annual Report

ASH recognizes Big Tobacco as the vector of the tobacco epidemic, and we work on several fronts to counter attack their deadly products. Read our 2016 Annual Report about how our programs progressed in 2016 and our way forward.

The world’s largest tobacco company wanted good press – but it backfired

Re-printed as an English translation with permission from Buzzfeed Germany, original article in German here. Stop producing or marketing tobacco! This is what an Institute for Human Rights has recommended to Philip Morris International, the manufacturer of Marlboro. Posted by Buzzfeed on May 22, 2017, 4:51 pm Daniel Drepper Chief Editor, BuzzFeed

ASH History

In the years following the release of the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking, Action on Smoking & Health (ASH) was established by a distinguished body of physicians, attorneys, and other prominent U.S. citizens who saw the need to protect the rights and health of nonsmokers. For the last 54

What’s next in 2017

As the year comes to a close, we would like to take the time to thank all of our donors and allies for your ongoing support, 2017 will be very special, as it marks our 50th year as an organization. In honor of this anniversary, I would like to highlight