Endgame Training Course

ASH impact

2023 ASH Annual Report

ASH is privileged to work with amazing advocates and researchers around the world who give their time selflessly to help end the tobacco epidemic. We are not the biggest anti-tobacco group in the world (far from it), but we have been very impactful by leading the way into new horizons

End of 2022 Message from ASH Executive Director Laurent Huber

The year 2022 has seen incredible milestones when it comes to taking measures to protect our collective right to health and right to a healthy environment from the harms caused by the tobacco industry. When we talk about “human rights,” we talk about the rights that have been recognized at

About ASH

Vision  A world free from the harm caused by tobacco. Mission To advocate for innovative legal and policy measures to end the global tobacco epidemic. About ASH Good policies don’t just happen. They take ongoing research, daily action, regular trainings, technical assistance in several languages, and a very, very dedicated