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article 19

FCTC COP10: Article 19 (Liability) Decision

The tenth Conference of the Parties (COP 10) of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) adopted a series of key Decisions including FCTC/COP10(13) Implementation of Article 19 of the WHO FCTC: Liability. ASH is a proud supporter of this Decision adopted by the COP, the governing body of the Framework

Global Progress Achieved at WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations in Panama

Media Contact: Megan Manning ManningM@ash.org (202) 390 – 9513 Global Progress Achieved at WHO Tobacco Treaty Negotiations in Panama Decisions Adopted to Connect Human Rights and the Environment to Tobacco Control with an Eye to Endgame WASHINGTON, DC – FEBRUARY 12, 2024 – Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) led

ASH Priorities at COP10

Media Contact: Megan Manning manningm@ash.org Introduction In 2005, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) entered into force, becoming a legally binding treaty that has now been joined by more than 180 countries. Parties to the FCTC meet every two years (officially called the Conference of the Parties or

Webinars During COP Week 2020

The week of November 9 – 13, 2020 was originally the date for global tobacco control advocates, government representatives, and UN agencies to meet at the Hague in the Netherlands to participate in the biannual negotiation for the global tobacco treaty, the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

Liability: untapped potential in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

ASH Policy Director Chris Bostic, Richard Daynard, and Tamar Lawrence-Samuel (Corporate Accountability International) shed some light on the untapped potential in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. “Article 19 has similar—if not greater—potential to curb the operations of the industry, and therefore the tobacco epidemic.” Read on>