Endgame Training Course

Why Support ASH?

Founded in 1967, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) is one of the nation’s oldest anti-tobacco organizations. In our five decades of leadership in the anti-tobacco movement, ASH has helped transform the perception of tobacco by the American public from casual acceptance as normal behavior to non-acceptance with a high level of awareness of the related health concerns and severe restrictions on smoking in every area of life.


  • Prohibit cigarette commercials on TV and radio and severely restrict it in other media;
  • Ban smoking in enclosed public places and workplaces;
  • Protect children from secondhand smoke; and
  • Restrict the sale of tobacco products through vending machines


The tobacco crisis has become global in scope, with the tobacco industry targeting developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, as well as the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. These countries often have little regulation or control of tobacco products and the tobacco industry seeks to reap a new generation of addicts from their young people.

ASH has responded by expanding our work globally. From 2000-2016, we organized and directed the work of the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA), a coalition of over 500 organizations from more than 100 countries. The FCA works for effective tobacco control in vulnerable countries and to limit the influence of the tobacco industry. ASH and FCA were key players in the adoption and ongoing implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), the world’s first global public health treaty.


Multinational tobacco companies are among the world’s most profitable corporations, and they utilize their increasing wealth to buy influence in a variety of ways:

  • Influencing the governments of the countries where they operate;
  • Seeking to shape public opinion;
  • Attempting to influence the development of international health guidelines; and
  • Using international trade agreements to nullify national tobacco control laws.

ASH will continue to develop new, effective ways to leverage our experience, expertise and leadership of the tobacco-free movement to counter the power and influence of the global tobacco industry.

Tobacco is the only consumer product that, when used as intended, kills.

The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco use will claim the lives of one billion people in this century if the present trend remains unchecked. Your support of ASH is a catalyst for the programs and initiatives that can change this deadly course and avert that tragic outcome.

Learn more about our programs:

There is a direct correlation between our actions against tobacco now and lives saved in the future. Please join our movement, and TAKE ACTION WITH US by making a donation today >


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