Endgame Training Course

Support For U.S. FDA’s Menthol Ban

Button - Joint Statement

There is vast global support for the U.S. to ban menthol cigarettes, as several countries have already done.

The University of Bath’s Tobacco Tactics website lists all the other countries that have banned menthol and when.

Button - ASH StatementStatements Issued in Support of the FDA’s April 29, 2021 Announcement

Research in Support of the FDA’s Proposed Menthol Ban from The International Tobacco Control (ITC) Policy Evaluation Project

Contact Geoffrey Fong for additional details on the following information:

The ITC Project at the University of Waterloo, which has conducted tobacco control policy evaluation studies across 29 countries, recently published an article on their pre-post evaluation study of the impact of Canada’s 2016-17 menthol cigarette ban across 7 Canadian provinces, covering 83% of the Canadian population. The ITC researchers found that the menthol ban led to substantial increases in smokers who quit (9.4% among daily menthol smokers and 7.5% among all (daily + non-daily smokers). These findings have major implications for the benefits of a menthol cigarette ban in the United States.

Apr 28, 2021 | Impact of Canada’s menthol ban on quitting: Implications for the United States

An estimated 923,790 daily menthol smokers would quit, including 231,628 African Americans, and a total of 1,394,201 daily and non-daily menthol smokers would quit, including 392,562 African Americans.

Apr 25, 2021 | ITC Evaluation of Canada’s menthol ban: Infographic

Apr 5, 2021 | Canada’s menthol ban did NOT increase illicit purchasing

Apr 6, 2021 | ITC Canada menthol ban evaluation, with free access to article at Tobacco Control

ITC Canada menthol ban-implications for US-Apr282021

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