Endgame Training Course

ASH Statement on Facebook and Instagram Prohibiting Tobacco and E-cigarette Influencer Promotions

Statement from Action on Smoking & Health (ASH)

On December 18, 2019, Facebook (including Instagram) announced that it would no longer allow influencers using its platforms to promote tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes. This is a welcome development.

ASH joined an organizational sign on letter to Facebook and Instagram in August 2019, calling for this crucial move.

The tobacco industry spends over $1 million an hour marketing its products in the U.S., and since they cannot use radio or television, the Internet has become the tip of their marketing spear, responsible for millions of new nicotine addicts.

ASH urges all social media platforms to follow suit. If private companies aren’t willing to stop tobacco marketing, governments should get involved.

Media Contact: Megan Arendt
(202) 659 – 4310